Monday, 24 August 2015

The Cotswolds Vintage Fair at Toddington.

This really is a most beautiful fair set in the picturesque Cotswold's countryside in a newly built village hall nestled in the most breathtaking views over the Cotswold hills.

As well as the village hall they have a large marquee outside with stalls inside plus tressal tables through the middle of the marquee with chairs for people to sit and have food and drinks from the pop up vintage tearoom, which serves tea, coffee and cold drinks along side scrummy cakes and light lunches.  There is also outside tables for people to sit at and other stall holders with gazebo's outside as well.  My husband found the cakes within minutes of going through the doors and I left him there having a cup of tea and munching on something.  He had driven us from Bournemouth and it was a two and half hour drive to get there ( to be fair to him it was his breakfast!)

The whole thing is well organised and made so beautiful with bunting, tables clothes and wild flowers in tiny bottles on the tables .....

There is an eclectic gathering of stallholders selling housewares, textiles, linens, furniture, jewellery, china, costumes and clothes and people who take antique/vintage items and make beautiful things for your home or personal use.  They all have one thing in common the fairs leaflet says - We all love something vintage!

The first time I went to this fair was last year and I fell in love with it so it was firmly in my calender for this year, I was not going to miss it.

There were some beautiful stalls and I was happily going around to each one having a little look at what was on offer.  The fair was packed and the weather was sunny and hot ... luckily the doors were all open in the village hall and the marquee so the slight breeze that was flowing through was very welcome.  It was beautiful weather for a beautiful fair.

I was looking for a lady that was there last year selling vintage patchwork quilts but she was not in attendance - sad but probably saved my bank balance because antique patchwork quilts is a bit of a passion for me..... And as I am going to be in America later this year and going on the antique trail and looking for patchwork quilts there it was probably just as well.  Never the less this fair was full of wonderful and talented people.

At the fair was the lovely Liz and Jack of The Washerwoman fame and it was great to catch up with these lovely friends of ours.  They were in a gazebo outside in the sunshine and had gorgeous French linens, textiles and French goodies on offer.  Jo of Hesta Nesta was there too and as always her stall was stunning with textiles and antique little shoes and costumes, feathers and all sorts or wonderful things to tempt you with.

Emma from Little Wren Vintage was there and I found her first because she had made me two cushions to order and such a clever lady as all she had was a photo of an eiderdown that I have for one the bedrooms at home and I wanted two large cushions to go with them.... I was thrilled with them and they will be in the show and tell tomorrow!

Suzy from Hearts 'n' Kisses was there with her beautiful stall.  Suzy is very talented and makes the most beautiful decorative items from
vintage fabrics and linens and as always her stall looked wonderful.

Then we caught up with Trixi who has moved back to the Cotswold's and she had a wonderful stall full of things for the home and garden.  There will be more about her in the next few weeks because she is doing an interview for me and we can learn all about her new business venture that is has embarked on.  It was really
funny because she saw my husband (buying more cakes!) and just said do you need a hand carrying all this.... We did not know she had moved and that she would be there.. I was sat at the table waiting for my cup of coffee and a slice of cake and Trixi walked up with him, it was a lovely catch up and a happy surprise.

Will and Bea had a beautiful stall there and bunches of lavender in a antique large bucket which filled the air in the marquee with the most beautiful aroma.  There was beautiful china and vintage books and cards of vintage buttons displayed for people to look through.

There was a really lovely stall called Vintage Green Vintage Ltd and it had all sorts of vintage goodies on offer from baskets to old manual typewriters.  I love looking around stalls like this because you never ever know what you will find there.  My husband bought some very old and beautiful cup handles from this stall to put on to a drawer unit he has in his garage... He loves old tools as well and buys old furniture to store them in so one of these is going to be getting a face lift I think!

Tansy Tulip was next outside and there was so much to look at with great antique garden items.  From galvanised buckets to signs, watering cans and lavender plants....

Country Chic had a gazebo full of wonders including vintage eiderdowns, fabrics and vintage linen clothes.  There was tressell tables inside and these had books, china and all sorts of wonderful goodies to tempt you with.

Heirs and Interiors was just inside the large marquee and again there was an eclectic mix of vintage goodies to look at including dolls, china and some enamel.

Retrouve had lots of vintage stitchery goodies including vintage Coates reels of cotton!  Yes I was tempted and yes some came home with me.  There were buttons and ribbons and fabric packs as well.  It is always great when I see a stall like this because it is like going back in time to an old fashioned haberdashery shop and for me at least I can while away time browsing every single item....

Then I found Heartfelt Designs with the most stunning French enamel jugs and coffee pots that I have seen all in one place.  There was china and beautiful fabric hearts in a basket and so much more. her

The Vintage Blanket Company was there too but too busy to be able to take good photos along with Hellish Designs, Paper and Plastics, Vintage Treasures, Vintage Alice, Pear Tree Designs, The Cotswold Craft Room, Tigley Textiles, Polly Medly, Rosablue, Rosies Armoire and Anthing goes.... and a few more stalls that I did not see the names of.  It is such a shame really that I can not get to get photos of everyone but it is nearly impossible to do.

Along with buying myself as well and often getting caught up in chatter with friends old and new the time just disappears.  We did not arrive until nearly midday ( because of traffic) and we left when they were packing up just before 4pm so I really did do my best.

But I would like to finish with someone else that was there.  Alison from Betty and Violet, you may all remember I did an interview with her a while back.  But instead of showing pictures of her beautiful stall on Saturday I would like to announce Alison's exciting news.  She is opening a shop called Betty and Violet.  It opens on Friday 28th August and is in the most beautiful town of
Broadway in the Cotswold's the address is 14 Cotswold Court, Broadway, WR12 7AA.

The opening times are 10.00am - 5.00pm daily !  Alison has picked the perfect spot and the town of Broadway is really very beautiful indeed.  We had a walk around there after we left the fair and it is a old fashioned town of really incredible beauty and history.  They still have the old red telephone boxes in place on the green and I have to say I much prefer these pieces of English history than the new BT glass ones!!

We had supper in the Broadway Hotel before we left and a good mooch around this Cotswold town.  I would like to wish Alison and Betty and Violet lots of luck, although it is not needed because this shop will be a hit in this wonderful town.  We are going up in September to look around the shop so I will take photos with Alison's permission to give you a tiny taster and I hope those of you that can make the journey to see for yourself...

We had a wonderful day although the journey home was interesting in the pouring rain and thunder and lightning ( what a contrast from the day its self) although it had become very humid by the time we left so we were not surprised....

Well I am off to my stitching room and to take photos of my purchases for the show and tell tomorrow so don't miss it because I really did find some great vintage goods!

Have a great day and as always Happy Stitching!

I will leave you with Alison's words to describe her shop -

A delightful new boutique offering an eclectic mix of vintage, antique and handmade goods.  Sharing a passion for time ~ worn treasures from the past... textiles, decorative interior pieces, vintage fashion and gorgeous gifts.

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