Thursday, 27 August 2015

Cross Stitch ... under used embroidery stitch!

Simplicity is the ultimate 

The statement above is so true, I think, at least.  People tend to over look this stitch because it is easy! well it is in one way but if you are following a pattern for a whole picture in this stitch and their are colour changes you do have to be on the ball and count properly.....
I myself love cross stitch and especially samplers.  I showed you my red on white sampler with hares on and the alphabet early this summer... it is now at the framers and I was on the look out for some more for our home.  I love rabbits and hares and they are meant to be a sign of good luck and tranquillity and happiness in a home.

I found some beautiful patterns in America and bought them and they have arrived through the post! to say I am thrilled is an understatement and of course I do stitch the pattern but always do a little
something of my own to it, like add fabric border for instance.  Add buttons even if there are none, that kind of thing.  On the theme of rabbits and hares have a look at this beauty.
The words on here read .. The dew upon the berry reflects the morning sun.  It glistens like a diamond until the rabbits come.

Isn't is beautiful?  I am going to add a few antique carved mother of pearl buttons to it and possibly a vintage fabric border.

I bought some more as well ... yes I was thinking buy a few to keep me busy in the Winter evenings and maybe on the plane to the States ( although I am going to be stitching a present or two as well so we will see about being done on the plane)

I bought these two lovely Hare cross stitch pictures and they are rather primitive and I like that a lot, I could not decide so thought the both would look beautiful together.

Then with my rabbit and hare addiction satisfied I went on to get this beautiful Quaker  house sampler pattern that again is primitive in design and also is beautiful with a quilt kind of pattern attached to it really.  I thought it was really beautiful and so I purchased that too.  The top of the picture is the largest pattern and then there is a little spin off which is pictured at the bottom.  I really liked the three houses in a row with the patterns though.

Then I bought two more tiny patterns as I loved them.  The first one is for a button card so you can store buttons on there but I would like to cross stitch it slightly larger and then stitch on some
beautiful hand carved antique mother of pearl buttons and have it framed for all eternity to preserve some of my most treasured ones that I have kept.  Some of these buttons can be expensive and so therefore stitched on something to sell rather bumps the price up so instead, because I love these buttons I am going to make a picture of them for me.

You can see the general idea.  Loving birds as well (basically nature in general I thought this pattern would be wonderful and then I can add my little touches to it as well and the buttons will be there to be looked at rather than in a drawer or a tin which would be criminal.

Finally but not at all least this was another smaller pattern and it is made into a pin cushion which is possible or I may just do my thing and make it into a picture as well ... undecided at present but if any of you would like to tell me what you think then I would love to hear your views on it or any of the other cross stitch patterns that I have purchased.

I think it is a beautiful pattern and I am truly very pleased with my cross stitch Winter stitching for me to do.

I do like to have some personal stitchery on the go and especially in the Winter months.  My husband is not a nine to five guy and when it starts getting dark at 3.30pm in the afternoon my work days become a little shorter and I snuggle down and do some of my own stitchery.  I am also doing quilt squares as you know so I have lots to keep me busy whilst waiting for my husbands train to bring him home for dinner and our chat about our day we have both had.  Sat by the fire later with a glass of wine he is always interested in what my day has consisted of and what stitchery I am doing and its progress for us.....

If any of you are interested in cross stitch then I would just like to say if you buy the gold plated cross stitch needles they are so much better and actually glide through the linens or aida really well and easily.  This makes stitching even more enjoyable as you can imagine.

I hope you have enjoyed a little look at my purchases and as you can see even though Winter can be a dark time, as long as you are doing something you really enjoy then it is quiet bearable and fun.

Well this all has to be put away for now as we are still in August but it is ready for me to start and I am able to choose my threads for each one and get each project ready to start.  I might use some of the hand dyed shaker threads from America on these.  I have my order in but can always pick up more when I am actually there.

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!


  1. I love cross stitching, and in the past earned a little living from it by cross-stitching as a tester for a few companies. I love watching the way a picture is formed by just two little stitches. It may be the easiest stitch, but I have met people who claim they cannot stitch it. For me platinum needles, but gold plated ones are great to use.

  2. I love cross stitch too Julie .. Thank you for your message.

  3. A couple of wee hoops I've been working on recently...perfect hanging on a nursery wall! A combination of free stitching and hand embroidery. portable sewing machine

    1. They sound wonderful Elizabeth! ... Not sure if you can post photo on here but if it's possible I would love to see them x

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