Thursday, 6 August 2015

English paper piecing fun!

A quilt is a treasure, and like friends a great
source of comfort!

As you know already I am doing some English paper piecing patchwork both for me personally and for a few patches to go on to things that I am making.

I bought a few packs of the paper hexagons already cut for me ( this saves so much time and you know they are very accurate as well, as they are die cut)  I have been really enjoying them especially with the beautiful vintage paisley fabrics that I have chosen to use.

It is so relaxing to do (even if at the moment I feel slightly panicked)  and I would like one such patch to go onto my banner I think so I have made it up and it is ready to stitch in place if I feel at the end it will look right.  If not well no matter it will go on something else.  I can not stop looking at it.

One of the tiny hexagons that I cut out from some paisley looks like tiny angel wings and I think it is so pretty.  That is the thing with paisley there are so many little details in the patterns and you can pick out little components of the pattern to focus on. Can you see the little wings in the top picture on the right?

When you have used your hexagon paper templates ( as long as they are good quality) you can reuse them.  If they are too flimsy they tear so then they have to be thrown away and if it is too thick then they are hard to use but the ones I bought are fabulous and yes they can be used again as you can see from the picture on the right and there is the finished patchwork at the top ready to be stitched on.  The fabric on all the outside hexagons are from the same piece of fabric but all look different in their pattern.  The middle hexagon is from another piece of vintage eiderdown fabric that I have.  It blends beautifully.....

The picture on the top left is what you are left with when you cut away the tacking and take out the papers, then all you have to do is take out all the tacking threads and press it ( top right picture)  if you have never tried this patchwork I urge you to give it a go it really is relaxing and the results are stunning.  You can just do little patches to stitch on to things or you could make a table runner.  If feeling ambitious and you are in no hurry then do each patch and then make a bed quilt! (that's my plan), just one patch at a time.

Anyway I am away to start my day and hope to tick off some of my ever growing list .... Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!

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