Thursday 3 July 2014

Ideas running around my head!.....When a bird fly's in!

Morning all

I have 3 projects on the go at the moment and I keep getting ideas for more.  I scribble them down in my  book so as I do not forget.  I used to worry that I would dry up, get writers block as it were but I have to report at the moment ideas are coming thick and fast.

I also have a couple of personal projects on the go and really do need to set aside some time to finish them as they are sat in my sewing room looking a bit neglected and sad. It is always time I run out of.  My days fly by happily but quickly, like someone has fast forwarded my day.

Yesterday I had to cut out some fabric and I was also washing some vintage fabrics so my base was between my kitchen and dinning room. ( multi tasking ladies is what we do best )

As I stood cutting out, a bird flew through my stable door in the kitchen and landed on my curtain pole in the dinning room, I am not sure who startled who the most.  So we just looked at each other for a little bit and I started talking to this little bird, who spread his wings out fully and listened.... it was surreal.

So I shut some doors so that the little bird could only go from dinning room to kitchen and thought how to sort this.  The bird was obviously thinking the same... anyway with that the bird flew back into the kitchen and sat on top of one of the wall cupboards and then peered over the door and went out through the top of the stable door!!  This has never happened to me before, except when a pigeon fell down our chimney... but that's another story! (it was summer again so luckily no open fire!!)

So today I am continuing on with stitching my designs and sketching some flowers for embroidery. I am not sure what else today will bring but the weather is divine and I am happily going to see what today brings me.

Happy Stitching!

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