Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Stitching with thoughts of Spring..... but stitching for Autumn

Hello and good morning to you all.....

Today I am continuing with the sampler that I am working on and today after 3 days of stitching and 2 days of designing it, I am getting pleased with the results.

As I am stitching and looking in my back garden I can see primroses, snowdrops, crocus and the buds of beautiful daffodils, My lovely friend and neighbour comes to mind, He loved the Spring and adored the colour yellow and it has brought a smile to my face to remember him this way.

He would have been so interested in what I am doing and was very pleased and proud that I have my designs published in magazines, I know he would like what I am doing and he actually understood the time that is spent on each piece.  He would ask about how many hours this or that has taken.  In addition I could run things past him and I miss our chats dreadfully.

I am going to do some stitching in the conservatory today and have put some seed out to watch the birds and the squirrel run about.  The light in there is great for little stitches and then I can examine it as I hope by the end of the day I will be deciding on the button placement.

If I finish by 3/4 o'clock I will then iron my next piece of linen and draw my summer design on and cut fabrics ready for that project to be started.  There is such a feeling of achievement when  I take my work to be framed.

So today whatever you are doing I hope you can enjoy your day.

Happy Stitching! with thoughts of Spring....

Springtime is the land awakening.  The March winds are
the morning yawn!
Kathy Sue Loudermilk...

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