Friday, 7 March 2014

My vintage embroidery find! .... so excited.

Good morning all
I thought you might like a look at something a found for a few pounds in a shop in the New Forest.

It looks like a sampler... It is letters and  and numbers and has some embroidery daisies, it has two sides, like a little bag with out a handle in a way.... It is about 60 years old,  probably done in the early fifties  I was so pleased with it and it sits in my sewing room on my little chest of drawers like a mat.  I turn it over for each side to be seen.

If I were to have it framed I would have to choose which side to hide! and I can not possibly do that....

Today I am going to concentrate on my hare design I think and get that ready and nearly finished so that I can concentrate on my summer picture which is for publication.....

I really hope you all enjoy your day today whatever you are up too!

Happy Stitching!

Embroidery has a natural affinity for flowers, it can also, of course,
represent nothing at all.

Chris Rankin

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