Thursday, 13 March 2014

My hare designs...... good luck and happiness.

Good morning

One of my favourite animals is the hare, I think they are stunningly beautiful creatures and they are very shy so it was with such joy that last year I saw a pair in a field jumping about.  It was on a spring day and my husband was driving so I was able to take in the wonderful countryside that we were travelling through.....

Since that time my love of these lovely animals has intensified and this year I am doing more with a new design that I have been playing with.

I am so excited about the designs and hope that others will be pleased with the outcome too! I will have to do a slight timetable as I have several pieces on the go....

I have a few hares about our home.  We have a brass one that lives in our lounge, staring up at the moon on the window sill  and a pottery one hand painted on to  a large ceramic tile that is in our kitchen.  In addition I have made a picture of one from fabric which you have all seen on one of my other posts.  They are supposed to bring happiness and peace to your home and thus far it's working well here.....

Have a great day stitching!

This is the beautiful tile in our kitchen.......

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