Monday, 6 January 2014

Welcome 2014!

Good morning all

Firstly I hope you have had an amazing Christmas and that you have made your New Years resolutions!!

I have enjoyed myself thoroughly, My husband and myself have had so much fun with our friends this year.  Joanna from Australia came over for a month and our dear friend Charles came for Christmas as well..... Oh the laughs we have had.  They say that laughing is good for the soul and my soul is bursting with goodness.....

I am just finishing the Little house sampler and then it will go for framing, although my framer has retired and I have to put faith in someone else.... I have been looking into it but with the holiday season it has not been easy....

After the above is sorted my wonderful designing months are ahead of me and I can not tell you how much I have been dreaming of this, with all my beautiful new shaker threads and my ideas that are just running about my head.  My pencils are sharpened and I will be sat by the open fire drawing and then with scraps of thread and fabrics I will do some samples......

I am working on several projects and I hope to have some work published and more..... watch this space for my news as it comes in.  I am not counting my chickens just yet.

I would love to know what projects any of you are working on, and although Christmas is packed up now here, by March I will be making Christmas things again.  Although not so much to sell this year as I am working on another project that I will let you know about when I have my confirmation.

I will be blogging regularly again now and I hope you all enjoy reading about what I am doing.

Have an amazing day.

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