Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Designing new journals

Good Morning!

Today I am setting to and doing some designs for some new journal covers.  I have also found a better supplier for the inner journal, the paper inside is plain and very high quality.  The other journal inners were lined and I was never that happy with them.  I always knew that it was the cover I was selling but I am much happier with the ones that will be going inside the new covers.

So I am doing some designs this morning and will start to make and sew one this afternoon to have a little look.  The journal covers detach from the hardback journal so that you can pop a new one inside when that one is full and you can always keep your cover.....

I will be doing a little embroidery on some of the new ones too and maybe add some charms as well.... We will see how it goes.

I write in my journals daily and have one that is just for my designing and have one for quotes and sayings too.  I love to sit and write in them with my ink pen. 

Have a great day and happy stitching.....

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