Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Antique Samplers for inspiration....

Good morning all

I have been looking at antique samplers for inspiration and admiration and quiet frankly the pure pleasure of doing so!

I love to see the stitches used and by some children as young as 6!  It is of course how they were taught to spell and learn their ABC as well as how to stitch, and I for one am grateful that their stitching is here to gaze upon.

As you know I have some more exciting things happening this year with publishing some of my designs and work and so I am extremely busy in looking at new ideas and some old forgotten skills to revive within my work.  Research, I find, is extremely interesting.  In fact I think you can tell that I enjoy all aspects of what I do.  With the things I make, I am selling a life style too and I hope that it shines through for all to see.

I will have some sneak previews of some of the bits that I am making but mostly they will be going to publication as apposed to being sold.  I will be making some bits along the way to sell and I hope to have some time to make some things for our home too...... All work and no play!!!..........

I hope you enjoy the following pictures to look at, I did, they are amazing..

Have a wonderful day whatever you are doing and happy stitching.

The more that you read,
the more things you'll know.
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!
Dr Seuss

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