Saturday, 10 December 2016

Tulip Stitch .... stitch Saturday

Happy Weekend All

Well this is my Birthday weekend and I am out and about doing bits and bobs and catching up with family and friends.

I may well pop into a vintage fair which will be the last of the season, for me at least.

It is very cold outside but I will dress up all warm and cosy...

Today's tutorial is the a great little stitch called Tulip stitch and I thought is was fabulous when I watched it.

So why not make a warm drink and enjoy this little tutorial and take some notes.  It is a little under 10 minutes long and this stitch is a variation on the lazy daisy stitch ...

Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend.  I will see you back here bright and early on Monday with my last week of blogging until after the New Year.

Happy Stitching! XX

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