Monday, 5 December 2016

Show and Tell from the Winter Brocante!

Treasures galore were at this show and the visual effects of everyone's displays along with gorgeous coffee smells in the air and twinkling lights and baubles with evergreens that can only shout Christmas to most of us....

As I said my husband bought me a beautifully framed pieces of red stitchery samples stitched by a young girl.  I can not show you until after Christmas but I promise to show you the first day I am back on here after my Christmas break.  I will tell you thought that I learnt the mostly, not in this case I was told, but mostly if you see stitching samples stitched on red fabrics it is because it was done in an orphanage .. I did not know this but I thought I would pass that little bit of information on to you.

Well on the same stall that my husband purchased my gorgeous gift I bought this darling Christmas Stocking made from a red and white plaid Victorian pillow cases.  I just fell in love and this is what is the other side of my fireplace in the lounge ( the other side being the woollen vintage glove with the tag that I bought at Cowslip from The Sea Garden, and the talented Christine)  I do not like everything the
same and enjoy miss matched china, sofas, cushions and in this case Christmas fire surround decorating ....

Then as you know I had made an order from Rosie's Armoir and so I went to find Helen and to pick it up.  Have a look at this really beautiful Christmas fairy with her 1920 head dress and I had ordered
one in reds and greys ... I was not disappointed ..

Whilst I was there I had a good look around to see what other treasures that I could find and always seem to find some great inspiration packs that Helen puts together.  I love these so that you bits and bobs to create with and with just enough to be able to appliqué with ..

I picked up these three packs and with some great vintage hexagons with original cardboard inner still left in with gorgeous hand writing, along with some lovely patch work and linen covered buttons and quilt pieces and fabrics...

I found a lovely big piece of paisley fabric on the Suitably Vintage stall and it is enough if I wanted to to have a large panel for a cushion.  It is nestled happily in my paisley drawer at this moment in time.  Yes I have a drawer for paisley, because I just have a thing for it and basically can not pass by any at any fair ...

I have some of this one but not a lot as I used some in the banner I made for Pretty Nostalgic so It was lovely to find some more for other projects down the line..

Mercer and Rose always have some stitchery items that I can use and this day was no exception, I bought a linen stitched monogram of a D and a S along with some S laundry ribbon and another one
of her cigarette bird card bunting with tiny pegs and string ... saving all three for my sewing room that I get when we move... so they have been wrapped and labelled in tissue paper for next year.....

Again I thought I was very restrained but I have a few more fairs to attend so I needed to save some money for those.  I hope you have had a fun time having a little peek at my vintage treasure that I bought at the Love Lane Winter Brocante.  They have one more fair this year and it happens to be my Birthday weekend so I will be going there as a treat to myself and I can think of no better day out for me.  Its at Wisborough Green on Saturday 10th December in Sussex and it will be the last fair for me this year so going out on a high!!

Have a great day and do not forget to come back tomorrow as you are in for a treat on here vintage fair wise ...

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. The stocking is gorgeous

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. You do find some beautiful things Sarah. Thank you for your blog reports, I love reading them as I can't get to them. Absolutely love the idea of the bunting,those cards are so sweet. Great idea. Lots of love Dawn x

    1. Thank you Dawn so pleased you are still enjoying blog. The season will be over soon and its about 8 weeks break so time to stitch stitch stitch!

      Sarah xxxx

  3. Some lovely treasures Sarah! I had no idea about the red linen either - how poignant that must be but also lovely to think that something made by a wee orphaned girl all those years ago is loved by someone today. I do covet your fairy from Rosie's Armoire - simply divine! Xx

    1. Thank you Mo! My fairy I got it custom made in those colours..
      I love her! ...

      How did the craft fair go Mo, ( I am sure you have done it by now) Hope it went well.
      Thank you for your continued support on here.
      Sarah xxxxx

  4. Hi Sarah, yes the craft fair was a couple weeks ago now. There were a lot of stalls and we spent a good bit of time arranging our stall, using vintage props - it was great fun actually. I made a banner from an old linen runner I had in my stash and cut letters from various scraps of fabric and two silhouettes of crows ( our surname is Crowley) so we called our stall 2 crafty crows. We had lots of people looking generally and chatting but not really picking things up and buying. I sold one vintage jelly mound candle and my sister did a little better. However, it was the same for nearly all the stalls unfortunately. I would like to do more, but I have been so unbelievably busy with work this past few months I have not been able to attend any more. Live and learn though - what was nice about going to the VB was that I saw that our stall was close to the mark, so that was comforting to know. Your advice rally helped, so thank you! Xxx
