Saturday, 24 December 2016

Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!

“I will honour Christmas in my heart,and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!”     

Christmas Eve in every home has its traditions and ours is no exception, we are of course busy with some preparations for tomorrows big event but basically we have done.  Tonight in our home we are going to enjoy a quiet meal with friends and the open fires are burning away. The fizz is on ice and the table presents are wrapped and ready for this evening.  We also have crackers on all the three days ... Its a tradition that my late Dad started and he really loved the table presents!  We set a price and had to stick to it.

The tree is twinkling and presents are wrapped and nestled under the tree.  I have to confess to getting
down on my knees and have a childish glance at them all wrapped beautifully and awaiting tomorrow.  I look forward every year to my little book bundle that my husband puts together and can not wait to curl on the sofa and have a read in my time off.

I never forget that Christmas can be a lonely time for some and others dread it for one reason or another so my message is that I hope you all have a peaceful and happy time with Friends and Family and for those of you who are not with your loved ones this year for whatever reason I really hope you
can do as I have done in years gone by and remembered times when you were together and smile.  The first few years after my precious Dad died it was very difficult for me but I took great comfort in remembering his traditions at Christmas and felt truly blessed that I had those great memories to look back on.

Have a lovely time off and I hope that Santa has been kind to all of my Vintage Stitchery lovers and as always if you have some time Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Have a wonderful weekend. We just off to see youngest son and daughter-in-law and the grandchildren and my dad for a Christmas meal in the local pub.

    Merry Christmas

    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. Happy. Christmas Julie thank you for all your wonderful support!
    Have a great time xxx

  3. Merry Christmas, Sarah! x But Christmas indeed isn’t merry for everyone (read: me). I am a student and I have been working on my research since forever ugh! This Christmas I know I’d still be busy with it. Initially, I am planning to get a transcription of qualitative research, I hope I stick to this plan till the end.
