Saturday, 26 November 2016

How to make a toothbrush rug

Happy Weekend!

This is a great little tutorial and the rug is made from old sheets, my idea is to use vintage linen sheet and of course lengths of vintage fabrics.  It is really made from fashioning an old toothbrush as well!
I know!

Well have a watch of this taking some notes and with a warm drink and enjoy ,,,, I really want to have a go at this sometime and I have written down lots of notes.

Have a great weekend.

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Very interesting, would love to try that but my shoulders would protest. I once made bedside rugs from crocheted fabric strips because we couldn't afford to replace our bedroom carpet at the time. They were rectangular and each made from one of a pair of single flat sheets; they were patterned so came out mottled. They washed beautifully but were of no use when we moved, sadly.


    1. Well done for making a crochet fabric rug! Its also good to know they wash well too.

      I have a not good shoulder ( childhood stupidity) so I am wondering if it will protest if I have a go! we will see.

      Sarah xx

  2. Gum disease is common and, if left untreated, may lead to bone loss around the teeth. In some cases, it may lead to loose teeth and teeth being lost.
