Monday, 14 November 2016

Good Morning!

Good Morning All

So sorry this is a little late this morning but some things had to be sorted with my Mum and I have
such a lot to do for her today. There has been a turning point and that I was away at the weekend as well has not helped.  So lots has to be sorted today so please forgive me this unexpected day off from my work.

Apologies to you all and I will be back tomorrow.

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Family comes first Sarah, we all know that and we understand how hard a time you are having. It is the hardest thing in the world to have to watch a loved one suffering. Love to you and your Mum. Xxx

  2. Family comes first Sarah, we all know that and we understand how hard a time you are having. It is the hardest thing in the world to have to watch a loved one suffering. Love to you and your Mum. Xxx

  3. Thank you Dawn you for your kind words at such a difficult time. They are appreciated.

    Sarah xx

  4. Totally agree with Dawn. Spend the time you need to spend with your mum - everything else can wait. Hope things are morse titled for her soon. Take care! Xxx

    1. Thank you Mo, with some juggling and hard decision making things will be better hopefully in the next few weeks.

      Sarah xxx

  5. Tsk ! That should read 'more settled' xx

  6. Family comes first Sarah. Hope things get more settled for you

    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you Julie
      Its a sad time really but it is about making sure she is safe now.
      In one week there was such a decline ...

      Sarah xxx
