Friday, 4 November 2016

Diaries out Ladies and Gents ... Vintage Fair Dates for all your Winter needs.

So Ladies and Gents get out your diaries and calender's, sharpen
your pencils and get some great vintage fair dates not to be missed.  I have only put the ones that I know of or have been asked to feature so I am sorry if there are any missing ...  These are amongst the last for 2016 before a few months break so if you need some supplies for the Winter stitching or just to get out and meet up with like minded people then these are for you plus the Christmas shopping for those unique gifts rather than mass produced .... 

Vintage Jumble Sale

Rangeworthy Village Hall
Wotton Road
BS37 7LZ

Saturday 5th November

10am - 1pm

Free Admission and Parking
Homemade Cakes and Drinks served by the WI

Cowslip Christmas Fair
New House Farm
St Stephens
PL15 8JX

18th to 20th November

Friday - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 4pm
Sunday 10am - 3pm

Entry is FREE
Dogs on leads welcome.

There is a Café and a pop up tearoom

There are over 40 stalls there and some of the people you may know are Donna Flower Vintage, Sarah Perry Designs and Caroline Zoob just to name a few .....
I have never attended this one before but I am going to this event and will be reporting on it when I return.

Parking is free in their field but if it is very muddy and wet some vehicles may struggle so they have a park and ride system from the Homeleigh Garden Centre down the road.  They charge around £1.50
The address is Homeleigh Garden Centre Dutson, Launceston PL15 9SP

The Big Winter Country Brocante

Cowdray House
West Sussex
GU29 0AY

Friday 25th and Saturday 26th November

9am - 5pm Friday
10am - 5pm Saturday

Friday  Early Bird 9 -11am £12 after 11am £6
Saturday £6 all day

There is a cafe with cakes, drinks and lunches ..

Free Parking, Dogs Welcome, Children Free Entry.

The Vintage Bazaar  
  At Christmas!

The Corn Exchange
Market Place
SN10 1HS

Saturday 26th November

There is no café here but there are lots
of lovely little café' and restaurants very close by.

9am - 3pm

Entry .. £2

Pop Up Christmas Fair
From Prettyposhlocal
Exmouth Pavillion
The Esplanade

Sunday 27th November

9.45am - 3.15pm

Entry .... FREE

Sarah Moore & Friends Vintage Fair

The Old Dairy
Hill Lands Farm
North Marden
West Sussex
P018 9JY

Saturday 3rd December

10am - 4pm

Entry... FREE

Dogs Welcome, Drinks, Soups Mince pies available.
Sarah would like to remind people this is a real farm with mud and uneven floors, steps and slopes. So maybe wellies are in order this time of year ...

Dee Dee's Vintage and Handmade
Farewell Christmas Fair
West Monkton Village Hall

Sunday 4th December

10am - 3pm

Entry £1 Adults but Children FREE

There is a pop up vintage cafe with homemade cakes and refreshments served on vintage china.
There is  Vicky and Bella's cosy crochet corner and learn the basics for free!
Meet and Greet Father Christmas  plus lots of vintage treasures and handmade goodies made by artisan sellers ..... A great place to start your Christmas shopping.....

Christmas in the Country
- The Finale -

Love Lane Vintage
Wisborough Green Village Hall
Wisborough Green
School Road
West Sussex
RH14 0DU

Saturday 10th December

10am - 3pm

Dogs on leads welcome ....

Great line up of stall holders and there is mulled wine, Christmas Trees, Carol singers and lots of Christmas cheer along with gorgeous vintage treasures!

Entry Fee . £2


  1. Lots of fairs to go to......need to find time

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Hi Julie

      Indeed some great ones coming up! I have added in the one that you brought to my attention, thank you! Its nice to have a variety out there in different locations for people to choose from.

      Personally I am going to try for most of them I hope, although two in a weekend can be a bit much but I will see.

      Sarah xxx

  2. Hi Sarah, thank you so much for mentioning my last Fair. Julie just kindly emailed me to tell me you had listed it for me that's really sweet of you. After running them for 4 years its time for pastures new. All the funds from our lovely tea room will be going to the Retired Greyhound Trust Dorset and Somerset Branch for which I volunteer with. I have 4 rescue greyhounds myself. Dogs are not permitted in the main hall or tea room sadly as the hall is used a day nursery for children and the insurance doesn't allow it. Its always such a lovely Fair with a wonderful atmosphere. So thank you again. Best wishes, Dee x

    1. Hi Delia

      My pleasure and Julie was the reason as I did not know about your fairs which is crazy!

      Oh well pastures new as you say and I love the fact that money goes to greyhound rescue which is very dear to my own heart.

      We had two greyhounds we rescued called Woody and Dilly and they died some years ago now, took a part of me with them. I would dearly love another dog but at the moment I am just to busy for that and as you say lots of venues will not allow them in there so I could not possibly have one at the moment.

      Good luck in your new ventures and thank you.

      Sarah xxx
