I hope you all had a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend. The weather was not fabulous for the last weekend in August but here we managed to even have a B-B-Q as well.
On Saturday we attended the vintage on the green fair and the weather was not too bad but most things were under cover of marquee and gazebos so it did not matter.
This event literally was on the the green in a village called Wisborough and along side the vintage fair there was a game of cricket going on. There were two village pubs near by and the place was packed full of vintage hunters.
The first person that I spied was the lovely Jo of Hesta Nesta and she had her own tent for the
This really was a village fair with a stall that was selling home grown produce as well and they had
There was some chickens in a most beautiful chicken house and were a great crowd puller. There was even vintage bunting around there house and they were very curious when I was taking photos of them. I think they thought the camera was edible!
Inside the large marquee were some beautiful stalls all set up and inviting. As I walked through the
door there was Caroline Zoob and she had some beautiful vintage bits along with a wonderful shawl that she had embroidered. The green shawl was exquisite but for me impossible as it was woollen and I am unfortunately allergic to wool ... it makes me itch and so I can only have cotton! This shawl was so beautiful and talking to her she said if it did not sell she was not too unhappy as really she would like to keep it! It made me laugh because those of us who make seem to only make what we like therefore it is hard to sell pieces on anyway.....
I found the lovely Simone of Ayres & Graces oh I could spend a fortune on Simones work. She makes beautiful things and yes I came away with something ( show and tell later in the week) She is such a talented lady and there were some beautiful dolls, animals to buy plus she embroiders so there were some great pieces from pictures to cushions .... I spotted my purchase straight away and said oh that must come home with me.... Simone remarked she was glad it was going to a good home and would be loved ... I am going to keep you all guessing here.
The marquee was filling up by now and there was a great buzz in there and as I was wandering around I found a stall with lots of vintage haberdashery ... I got straight in there for a good rummage about. There were some wonderful embroidery threads in muted greys and greens and mother of pearl buttons, shells, pins, needles, embroidery boxes all sorts of wonderful things to look at and purchase, I took my time just looking at everything.
Next door to Marina was Suitably vintage and again there were stunning mother of pearl buttons and pieces of fabrics and quilts, china pieces along side vintage linens and child clothes hanging. I came away with some goodies on here too. I love looking through a basket of quilt pieces of fabrics, it is exciting to see what you might discover when having a rummage.....
Then I saw the lovely Suzy from Hearts 'n' Kisses and as always her stall looked stunning with her
vintage embroidery makes along with embroidery that Suzy does as well. There were cushions, patches, bobbin dolls, aprons and so much more. She has sold so much already and still people were queueing to see what beautiful things would come home with them. I bought two patches from Suzy and I am going to stitch them to a white top of mine....
Right next door to Hearts 'n' Kisses was the wonderful Velvet Ribbon and there were some wonderful fabrics there to look through and buy. In addition there were some wonderful patchwork quilts and vintage linens as well. These are my kind of stalls so that you can have a look through at you leisure and find some wonderful bundles of fabrics ... and I did!
I found another happy smiling face who as always has a great selection of linens to tempt you. Maud who owns Beyond France had stall brimming with linens. This is the go to place as well for linen sheets to make into table clothes... Have have two of these from her one with red lines and will be used for Christmas. The linens are exquisite and as always she was very busy indeed. The linens are mostly sourced from Hungaria as well as other countries across Europe. There are always some great linens to tempt you!!
I then spotted a new stall to me called Chalk and Paisley yes it is in the name, paisley! There were
some beautiful pieces on this stall and some made from paisleys. Some lovely pictures and covered notebooks along side some paisley covered lamp shades and so much more. It was a real pleasure to find this and have a look through such wonderful items....
My time was coming to an end there but before I left I had a good look around this stall Belle Maison
another stall which was new to me and there were some beautiful pieces here as well for your home. I can not wait to move now so that I can concentrate on decorating with vintage furniture pieces both
in the home and my stitching studio. We are ready to sell early next year and I hope to start looking after Christmas. It is not a good time now to float your home on the market now and we live in a catchment area for a top of the league school so hopefully people with family's will start thinking about getting them into this great school and we can get into the countryside where we both long to be...... The new drive has been laid here and all has gone well. Just a few more bits to do ( the dreadful summer weather has stopped play so long that we missed going this year!) I have kept cards for some of these stall holders so that when our move is complete we can get in touch and be able to purchase some bits and bobs that we both would like......
I had a wonderful time and the weather held pretty well until the afternoon and it started to rain a little. We took a slow leisurely ride home stopping off in the New Forest for a bite to eat at a fabulous pub called the Hobbler ( highly recommended by us!)
Well I must get on today now. I will take some photos of my purchases and later this week there will be a show and tell.....
Have a great day and as always Happy Stitching!
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