Sunday, 23 November 2014

Projects in a row!

From the manner in which a woman draws her thread at every stitch of her needlework, any other woman can surmise her thoughts.  ~Honore de Balzac

I have finally sorted my next few months projects, even at Christmas if I have a quiet moment I like to be able to grab a basket and sit by the fire and do some hand stitching, it is a gentle art form.  

I like to thread a few needles with colours I am using and pop them in a pin cushion, have some needlework scissor and my stitching ready.  It is then a case of pick that up and stitch.

Because you are that sorted you can afford to think whilst stitching, this is sometimes where another idea will come into my head and a new design is born, I always keep a pen and pad with me so I can jot down the idea for one of my sketching and design days.

I will be putting a few bits down on my Christmas Wish List for my husband.... He always likes an ideas list.  I must tell you the other day he asked about this years and I said yes I will make one, then he said I have kept every list you have made for me for Christmas!! I could not believe it... Who said men are not sentimental...

So I am away to my stitchery and hope that you all have a great day.

Happy Stitching!

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