Thursday, 20 November 2014

Little box of threads

Good morning

Well my 'big sort' at home and in my stitching room is going well.  I am re-arranging my room a little and putting things in stacking useful boxes.  Whilst this was going on yesterday I found my little box of threads that I bought in New England!!

They are perle cotton and in the most stunning of colour combination that I could not resist.  So I have made room for them in what I call my normal thread box.  I have three boxes 1. normal  2. vintage  3. Hand dyed shaker, then I know where to look when something is needed.

I do like to be organised because it really does help me clear my head for stitching and my daily routines.  I do my blog daily and all my emails and enquiries first then its down to business plus running a home too, so I feel the need to be organised, if not my head becomes like wool and I can not concentrate

I will leave you today with a picture of my New England cotton find, have a great day and ...

Happy Stitching!

They are lovely aren't they so rich in colour .....

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