Sunday, 30 November 2014

1st December and counting down to Christmas!!

I know I keep saying this but where oh where has this year gone!  It seems like only last week I was getting excited about going back to New England in the Fall and getting my hand dyed threads.

I have been sorting a basket of stitching for me ( personal stitching) so that when I can, I just need to pick up my basket and sit and stitch.

I have found that the baskets and container idea is really working for me, rather than things in bags.  It looks neat and tidy and you can see at a glance which one to pick up in your work room.

The log fires are almost daily here now.  I say almost because if my husband has to work late then I stay in my work room and keep going most times.... of course sometimes I light one anyway and take my hand stitching with me and that is another reason why this system is working so well.

I have done lots of my Christmas shopping and will be putting up the Christmas lights outside this week... Then it is the big decorate inside.  I prefer the decorations up before Christmas for a while because before New Years Eve we pack them up again.  We prefer it that way and only keep the white lights up outside until New Years day.

Tomorrow  my blog will be all about the vintage bazaar in Devizes that I went to at the weekend so do not forget to come back tomorrow for a great vintage read!!

Well with Christmas firmly on my mind I will leave you now and carry on with some stitching for publication early next year.

Happy Stitching!

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