Saturday, 1 November 2014

Hello November!.....

November comes and November goes, with
the last red berries and the first white snows!

Elizabeth Coatsworth

This year seems to have flown by somehow... This time last year I was looking forward to my friend coming over from Australia to spend Christmas here.... 

Talking of Christmas, do not groan, its not that far away!  I have to get some Christmas stitching out of the way because December is such a short work month and as all you ladies know it is a hectic time of year for us all.

I would like to embroider a table runner for our table and hope that if I start it soon then I will be able to get it done in time before the rush that is Christmas!

Christmas orders from people for them to give to loved ones though is my priority and I am busy with Vintage Christmas stockings and journals right now.  This is a very slow time for samplers and I have to confess I miss making them.

My order book is open for next year on Wedding and Baby samplers made from vintage fabrics and buttons with embroidery..... just email me or message me on here.

So what ever you are doing have a great day and I hope you can get a little Christmas stitching done early.

Happy Stitching!

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