Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Work room tidy and stock take day!

There comes a time dear readers when you gotta do what you gotta do!! And today for me it is house keeping in my stitchery room.

I need to go through all of my fabrics and bits and also through my embroidery draw.

If I told you it would not take very long then it would be a lie, as soon as I start looking through, I can not help putting things together and taking longer than I should.

I need to be good today and tidy and take a stock take, and looking at my design book notes say on what I need to buy and look at what I actually already have.

Later in the week I am going to a great event and I will tell you about what it is on Friday, needless to say I am sure I will come back with things ( Delicious eiderdown fabrics and paisleys, ribbons, lace and all sorts of notions!)  It's my one weakness!!

I actually would like not to take more that a few hours in there and then get on with more stitching.  It is not long now until I go to New England and I need to knuckle down and get things sorted and finished..... That said I want to do a proper stock check today, so I must be strict with myself!!

So with finishing this and my lovely cup of coffee I am drinking, I will away to the woman cave and get on with the task in hand.... Wish my luck!

Whatever you are up to today have a good one and Happy Stitching!

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