Monday, 8 September 2014

Autumn stitching and dying vintage linen

Beetroot is the most intense colour!

Hello all

Sorry for the lateness of my blog but I have been doing some house keeping on my stitchery room and also dying some precious vintage French linen to use for butterfly wings!

So having never done this before it is rather fun....

I peeled some beetroot's and then boiled them in water for several hours this morning and then drained the liquid off to put my fabric in.

I also made my linen wet and soaked it in water with a little salt so that it would take the dye.

I am hoping when it is dry it will look wonderful.  I would like to embroider it with white hand dyed shaker thread so that it show up..... I am hoping for great things.

This is a slightly messy process compared to tea dying but I am very happy with the raspberry colour results.

So now it is drying and I can report rubber gloves are needed and one of my wooden spoons will never be the same again!! but I am thrilled with the results.  So you can give it a go with confidence.

I hope you all have a great day!

Happy Stitching and Dying!