Monday, 15 September 2014

Filling my design book with new idea's

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like,
design is how it works.

Steve Jobs

Last week was filled with designing and natural hand dyeing of linens and also deciding 'how to' make it work....  The butterfly design is coming together and today I will be playing about to see how I am going to make them.  I have some scrap fabrics to play with so that when I make them for real there will hopefully be no mistakes at all.

I am also playing around with other ideas, some for publication and some to sell on my long awaited for on line shop.  I hope to get it launched early next year.

I also have some other ideas that I want to sketch out and with fabric ideas and designs as well.  My head is full of ideas and with that comes working out how to do it and what embroidery stitches may look good.

I have a seaside sampler to to and I am looking forward to stitching all the seashells with my wonderful variegated embroidery thread, that has all the light seaside colours in it. I have high hopes for the thread and hope it will look as a seashell looks when caught in sunlight.

The Autumnal sampler is nearly finished just a few little touches left before framing and going for publication..... But I do have to write the instructions as well.

My new design book will be coming to America with me so that I can do some sketching, as I am away for 3 weeks and very much looking forward to it.  I may take a small stitching project to do on the plane IF I can take a needle and small scissors, I do have to contact the airline to see.  I find the 7 hours flight will pass quickly if I can do some embroidery....

Well I am away to my sketches and my practice butterfly making......

Have a great day and Happy Stitching!

The details are not the details, they make the design!
Charles Eames

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