Thursday, 25 September 2014

Off to Devon for the opening of Donna Flowers shop!

Good Morning All

Well there is great excitement here today as later on we are off to Devon.  I was invited to the opening of Donna Flowers new shop.

There is an opening party tonight for those of us lucky enough to be invited and it is in amongst all of her wonderful stock!!!

I will be able to wander around and look at all those wonderful fabrics, buttons, threads, eiderdowns and so much more including vintage dresses. This is my idea of a fine party indeed!!

I will be asking to take some photo's to able to show you next week and I will be able to report on what wonderful purchases I made on the Saturday at the opening of the shop.

We are making a weekend of it and after opening hours on Saturday going out to dinner with them as well.  The new shop is in Barnstaple in North Devon and you can now look it up on line.  Take a peek.

Donna Flower

One of Donna,s Stalls at a vintage fair.

So now you know why there was a tidy in the Stitching room this week, looking at what space I have and looking at my design notes for what I thought might look good on the fabric and button front!

Have a great weekend and Happy Stitching!


  1. How exciting - I hope you have a great day!
    I look forward to hearing al about it !

  2. Wish I was there....looks so beautiful and so much to see!
