Monday, 7 April 2014

New Design preview..... Home sweet home vintage fabric collage picture.

Good morning all

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.  I had a productive one.  I am fighting a dreadful cough at the moment so sat sewing seems to be less coughing, this is good as it is exhausting...

I have nearly completed a new vintage fabric sampler (collage) called home sweet home.  It has to have a little more work today and then it will go for framing.  It will be one of a series, home sweet home, nursery and wedding for starters.

I spent a while searching through different fabrics and quilt pieces and buttons and all sorts really. I personally think it is looking lovely, what do you think?

This picture would be lovely as a gift for someone who has just bought their first house or just moved or even just to hang in an already established home to adorn the entrance.

I am going to finish this one today I hope and then begin on the next one. I will load a final picture up later in the week before it goes to the framers.

I hope you have a lovely day and Happy Stitching!

Where we love is home. Home that our feet may leave but not our hearts. That is the saying I have stitched on this.  There is also a printed ribbon attached that read: home sweet home, over which is an antique key.

At the moment there are five antique carved mother of pearl buttons.......
Some more hand stitching will be done today......

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