Wednesday, 23 April 2014

And the winner is....

BETH MEDHURST wins the Easter competition! Vintage goody bag for you Beth.

I need your details Beth.......

Then I can send your prize!

Well done and enjoy! X


  1. Wow, have just heard that I've won, so excited can't believe it YAY:)

    Thanks so much Sarah xxxx

  2. Thank you Beth for your email. I will be wrapping your vintage bundle of goodies very carefully today and going to the post office.

    I hope you enjoy it and thank you again for joining my blog and entering the Easter competition.

    Congratulations and Enjoy! xx

  3. Beth

    It is posted ... special delivery - before tomorrow at 1pm. In time for weekend crafting :)) x

  4. Hi! my fantastic prize parcel arrived today, didn't want to open it it was so beautifully wrapped:) gorgeous vintage fabrics, gorgeous pin cushion, fab vintage buttons & more. Christmas came early.
    Thanks again Sarah x

  5. You're welcome Beth.....Enjoy xx
