Wednesday, 25 September 2013

New day .... and what a beauty!

Good morning to all

As I am sat here in my kitchen, doing this and drinking my cup of coffee, I am looking out of my window.  The garden has suddenly decided its Autumn.

The leaves are turning a magnificent colour, yet we still have good temperatures for this time of year!

I have written my list of what I need to do today and will be continuing with the sampler.  Today I will be adding detail to the house. this is all done by hand and takes time.  I will upload a photo later for you all to see the progress of the competition piece!

I love this time of year of pumpkin pie and getting ready for the open fire season.  This is it for me, I love my seasons.  I openly embrace each one.  Lots of people say oooh I would love to live where its hot all the time but I am afraid it would not do me personally at all.

This time of year the trees changing wonderful colours and walks in the New Forest with leaves crunching under your feet and finding somewhere to have a good coffee or hot chocolate suits me.
My other passion is cooking you see and seasons to me change the ingredients and its wonderful.  I discovered how to make a great pumpkin pie and some amazing muffins with pumpkin and spices along with a pear and ginger muffin. 

I hope you all have a great day whatever lays ahead for you and be safe in the knowledge I will be sewing away at the little house sampler!

Bye for now!

 The Autumn colour of the back garden.....
The pear tree with a stunning colour vine that's decided to go over the top.... must be cut away for the pears!  pear and ginger muffins coming soon ....

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