Monday, 23 September 2013

Making a unique picture

This is one of my pictures I have just completed. Its a Hare gazing as they often do. The words are "Friends are like stars you do not have to see them to know they are there"

I choose a piece of my French linen stash for the base/background of my picture.  Then I  apply my design to it.  First drawing and cutting out the hare. I stitch it firstly to the linen and then go around it in a little running stitch. A French knot for the hares eye and a vintage mother of pearl carved button for the tail.  I embroidered the words.  The rare carved mother of pearl button that I used for my flower is a very rare one and looks like a daisy head.  I have never seen one like it again.
I love doing these pictures from vintage materials and enjoy the designing of them.

I have lots of ideas for different pictures for the home, these are unique and not mass produced.

You could design and make one yourselves or indeed look on Etsy and purchase one of my designs.  I always take my fabric art pieces to a trained picture framer as I believe it makes all the difference.

I am busily designing more pictures, some of which I do keep for myself and hang in my home.  In the knowledge there is not another like it.  in addition my interest in history is satisfied as I always write down what age the Linens, fabrics and buttons are.  When I buy my vintage goods to make my stock, always I ask how old or what date something is.

My personal love of old fabrics and buttons, is I suppose one of the reasons I love what I do.  When a piece has been framed the history is protected behind non reflective glass.  The beauty of a button is for people to see, not in a dusty corner in a tin.

Happy days!

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