Monday, 30 September 2013

Monday morning..... and the list is long!

Good morning to you all

Today is going to be busy.  I have written my list and it will keep me going all week.
I would like to do some more on the little house sampler and must do some more bits for Christmas too.  As you know I am getting ready for my trip to New England as well.

So today I am trying to be methodical in how I work.  It starts with my blog and coffee and then moves on.

The weather is very dull and uninviting, which is good as I will probably get more done by not thinking I would love to be in the last of the warm weather for this year!! If I try and do some hand sewing in the garden, or on my wicker chair in the conservatory, I confess, if a beautiful butterfly flutters past or I see a new flower budding .... like my roses who believe its May again, then I have to stop and take a peek!

I have been talking threads lately and as you know I favour the hand dyed and not mass produced ones.  I find it wonderful that even on a length of thread there are slight colour variations which give depth and life to a piece of work.  I would like to do more embroidery in my work and hope that people appreciate the time it takes, which would reflect in the price of something.  What do you think? would you pay more for a hand worked piece?

I love to work on vintage French linens.  The linen is wonderful to sew on and it is delicate but robust all at the same time.  You can lightly iron the piece after you have added your design and it looks crisp with a time worn feel about it.  Therefore I think that hand dyed threads go hand in hand with this fabric.  You can pick up vintage linen sheets at antique fairs or perhaps on Ebay or Etsy.  They are normally fairly large and you can cut one up to use in pictures or to use a panel of it on a cushion.

So today I leave you with a picture of threads that are hand dyed, and hope that I have inspired you to make something for yourself, or indeed to buy something beautiful for your home, or perhaps as a present for someone else that is unique and has oodles of history in its fabric already.

                                                         Happy Stitching !

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