Monday, 2 October 2017

Excited little stitches.

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it,
 and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth 
seeking the successive autumns.

George Eliot

Just a little note about George Eliot ... did you know that Mary Anne Evans, known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist, poet, journalist, translator and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era ...

We are in the month of October and this is officially Autumn now and the month that we go on our
holidays for 3 weeks .... To say the excitement is building is a total understatement.  Packing has  sort of started but even doing the on line Esta which is a document you need to enter the States with was exciting to do, my husband thinks I have turned into a child like creature and everything we do right now is an adventure.  I feel refreshed from the start of this year where I felt like I was 100 years old and seemed to have the weight of the world on me.  Now I feel happy and content and this is due to the fact that my Mum is being well taken care of and we can actually have a little us time which has not happened for 2 years ... Just care free time and safe in the knowledge she is safe and well cared for, helps us relax and unwind.

Sewing is a passion for me and designing stitchery too so when you are travelling to the land of creativity well the lists have started of what I am looking for and there is space for unexpected treasures that I might find.  Threads are so easy to pack and they weigh nothing practically and fit in even the most crammed of suitcases! Some Christmas shopping will take place as well because not only do I like being ahead but actually it is about getting someone something they will love and that it is totally different from anything on the high street.  As you know I pre order my hand dyed shaker threads but also this year I have pre ordered a quilting book that I have seen and it from America so by buying it there I same quiet a bit of money.  There will be other books and I have gone for light clothes and layering system to keep warm should I need to.  This enables me to have extra weight in all the cases and also an extra case to fill anyway should it be needed.  Christmas shopping whilst there will be so much fun.

As we are going to Canterbury Shaker Village I will be picking up some more shaker boxes along with some other treasures that they sell there.  One is a Christmas present for someone I know will treasure it as well.  I have been collecting them for some years now and I have nearly all the sizes in a stack ... great to look at and great to use.  The trick is to fill each box with something so it is solid and does not crush in the case .. perfect for threads and cottons don't you know !!

They sell little wax stars and hearts that hang on ribbons and these are for needles when you are quilting so they glide through the layers of fabric and wadding.  I like to pick up some of these, they are really great value, light in weight, useful items and make great little gifts...
I am now sorted properly for what stitching I am taking away with me so that is a tick and I have actually finished what I needed to stitch before going.  So 10 days of twiddling my fingers when it comes to sewing ... not on your life!  I am doing personal projects at the moment and designing for next year and enjoying my self immensely ..

In addition to that I have been making envelopes out of pretty paper for when I write to my pen pals so that has kept me amused and happy as I have been working on the Christmas envelopes and they are really very pretty.  I love sending and receiving happy mail.  It is lovely when a pretty letter drops on your doormat and you can make a warm drink and cosy in a chair for a chatty long letter read.  I now have eight pen pals and they are from all over the world and it is wonderful to correspond with like minded creative people and chat about ideas and also what we can all find in our own respective countries ...
We bounce ideas off of each other and share our creative papers about or stickers.  One of the places that I will be visiting in America is a incredible shop called ' Paper Source' if you are reading this from the States you will know about this shop with rubber stamps, papers, creative everything including the new thing chalk ink! yes I have that on my list of purchases to make.

I thought today I would go through my sewing room and tidy drawers and cupboards and have a little hoover and dust just so it it all kept up together.  Then I can look out of the window at Miss Muddy Beak who is loving digging around our soft damp earth in the borders of late.  My husband put in a irrigation system and so it keeps the borders all cold and damp.  The garden and hanging baskets, pots
are all doing so well still because of it.  When he talked about it I was not sure because  strangely I like watering but to be honest with you on busy days it is a blessing that it is done twice a day and I no longer have to think about it.  All I need to do is keep any eye on the bird baths for water and the little fountain we have ....

Because I am ahead of my game with my stitching I think this week will be mostly designing and I want to look through my design journal and check out what I have in there already.  I love the freedom to be creative and so for today and a few other days I am going to let myself sit and stare out of my sewing room window and go off into my creative space in my head and think of ideas that I can turn into stitchery patterns to make.  I might even get my water colours out as well.

My holiday journal has come along and I left room for a contents and happily been artistic along some of the pages, still leaving room to write.  I have made leaves and acorns from old papers as you know and some I have used my water colour paints on and others I have just left natural.  I have used leaf stickers and bits of fabrics and hand written some quotes in some of the pages.  It is looking really lovely and I am hugely please with it.

So for today I will say goodbye and get on with my list of things to do.  I hope you all have a wonderful day and of course as always  Happy Stitching! XX


  1. did that happen? October already!

    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. The world needs to slow up a little, where does time go?

    Sarah xxx

  3. You're enjoying your holiday already and you're not even there yet! Expectation is half the fun isn't it. Paper Source sounds great. Xxx

    1. Hi Dawn

      Yes it’s all part of it for me, the build up. Otherwise it’s just too quick!
      Keep smiling whilst stitching! Can not help it! Lol

      Sarah xxx

  4. I know, I cannot believe it is October already. I was in a craft store today hunting for supplies and the Christmas music was blaring, the trees were up and all the decoration and lights were in full view on the shelves!! Crazy! A mixed weekend here. Mums 80th so a family party, which was nice but on the down side a visit from the local fox - 2 hens down and now today another poorly. I went off to buy a cheap radio and it's now on during the day in the hen run - the theory being that the voices deter the fox - we shall see - certainly Jeremy Vine will keep him/her away!! Happy packing. Mo xxx

    1. Hi Mo

      Oh no poor Hens! I did not know about radio! Doesn’t drive the hens nuts with no peace at night does it?
      Hope Mum had a lovely time at her 80th Party .. how lovely..
      Have a lovely week and let me know if radio works ..

      Sarah xxx
