Friday, 6 October 2017

Needlework case and tiny stitches!

Listen! the wind is rising and the air
is wild with leaves.  We have had our 
Summer evenings, now for October Eves!

Humbert Wolfe

It is Friday already and it really is going to be a busy weekend here.  The excitement is building and the cases are starting to get full.  Ironing done and dry cleaning picked up... I am going to pack my carry on later, I pad, Noise cancelling headphones, journal, stitchery and I will get myself some chocolate at the airport ..... I am on holiday! well will be.  The moment we are on our way to
Heathrow the holiday has started for us...

We enjoy our time at the airport wandering around duty free and of course sat in the club lounge with a drink and just relaxing awaiting the plane boarding.  To us is is all part of the holiday and its sort of like Christmas Eve, what I mean is, to us Christmas Eve is our most favourite day of the three days its the build up.  Everything is done and it is the anticipation of the time ahead. We relax on that day and enjoy everything including just looking at the gifts all wrapped under the tree.  They have normally been there at least a week but the magic on that day is like no other.

Today I am concentrating on my much needed needle case.  I wanted a large one for me and with a few felt pages inside.  The felt is hand made and is so soft, not like the sheets of it you buy in craft shops that has a stiffness to them.  This has wool, viscose mix and is super gorgeous.

On each inner needle felt page I would like to embroider some words.  I need a header, so beading, embroidery, sharp, cross stitch .. yes needles.

I would like it to be pretty and not just functional for me and its a go to and grab item with the contents that is needed to slow stitch.  I am thinking a holder for embroidery scissors as well.

I found a lovely piece of very old quilt and have cut out the outer piece of the book and I am going to trim the edges with some vintage pretty fabric.  Then I will embroider the words onto the felt pages.  Then to work out a holder type thing for my gorgeous scissors .. finally there will be some decoration as well.  I found a beautiful old monogram with a S on it so that is a must.  Then there is a really old hexagon flower with similar colours that may be appliqued on there.

For sure there will be buttons somewhere which is my signature.  I may do some other embroidery I
am not sure yet .. there are several designs for this little beauty and several ideas and as it is for me I can just decide along the way.

It is fun sat designing things for myself and I am enjoying it so much.  I am getting ideas for my next years designs and sorting my sewing room.  I have made some spaces for things in the hope that some new treasure will come back with me from New England .... be prepared that is my motto.

I like to know I can put things away when I get them and do not stand wandering around with it in my  hand deciding...  With jet lag they could end up anywhere if I did not do that.

I am hoping I can finish this project by early next week but we will see. Fingers crossed!

We have a very busy weekend ahead of us but enjoyable and I hope to also get some of this sewing done as well.

I am hoping that my smallest of embroidery hoops will fit over the felt pages.  I have gone for two different colours as you can see.  I like to use a hoop it keeps the stitching neat and tidy and it is so much easier for me.  I hope that it looks ok on this thick felt, I am so used to stitching on fine fabrics but hey its going to be given a go.

Hoping that you all have a wonderful weekend and that the weather stays good.  There is nothing like a lovely walk in the Autumn leaves when it is sunny.

I will see you back here on Monday bright and early and as always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Looks so pretty. I love designing needlecases and etuis
    I have made a few over the years as special presents.

    Julie xxxx

    1. Hi Julie
      I am having fun with with this. As it’s for my use as only have to think about what my needs are in away and making it pretty!

      Hope you have a lovely weekend

      Sarah xxxxxx

  2. I'm getting excited for you! If your felt doesn't fit, tack it to a piece of cotton big enough for your hoop, and hoop it., leaving the felt free. Then carefully cut a hole in the cotton where you want to embroider et voilà!

    1. Oh Donna what a fabulous idea, clever you thank you. I will give it ago if it does not play ball later!

      I am so looking forward to this break and also my great friend from Australia is coming to look after our house, plants etc whilst we are away and then staying until next year. She has an Aunt here too so between the both of us from November....
      So coming home will not be as bad this time!

      Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

      Sarah xxx

    2. You deserve your break, you've had a really hard couple of years. I will miss you though! So hurry home! X x

    3. Thank you Donna , I am looking forward to time out but I will miss writing my blog too. Thank you it is wonderful that I might be missed!

      Sarah xxx

  3. Oh Sarah it's gorgeous, I love the muted warm tones. Can't wait to see the finished article. Such pretty scissors. Have a fab time. I will miss reading your blog x

  4. Hi Dawn

    Thank you I loved the colours of that piece of old quilt and thought it would make a fabulous large needle case for me.

    I will miss writing my blogs too but they are all next week yet so there are some more to go!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Sarah xxxx
