Monday, 9 October 2017

Colours of Autumn, a design kind of day!

I see the turning of a leaf dancing in Autumn sun
and brilliant shades of crimson glowing when 
the day is done.

Hazlemarie Matte Elliott.

This morning I was up with the larks and sipping my first cup of coffee of the day snuggled into my
lovely old quilt, sat watching the birds starting their busy day.  It is now a matter of days before our break and I am working through the things I need to do but my head is still in work mode and I am having thoughts of designs to stitch so today I give in to that and I am going to firmly plant myself with my sketch journal and pencils and have a little scribble about and see what I can come up with.

In addition I will continue with my needle/embroidery case that I am having lots of fun doing but not a lot of time was spent sat stitching over the weekend .. where does the time go!

I was trying to decide over the weekend about the closing of the little ( well actually its not that little!) needle/embroidery case.  I had lots of my ribbons out to see if it might look good and work, so I can just tie a bow, or do I use a popper but have a button stitched on the front so you press that then the popper shuts it .... still not sure!

You may wonder why all this dilemma over a needle case but I like to do everything the best that I think it should be.  I like naive things but they have to work and I am particular about the sort of
things I love so for me this is not only functional but will be with me all my stitching days I hope.

I thought about have pins in there too and some applique pins ... I may have to cut some more felt pages and it will need to be a secure close because its going to be a fat little book indeed!

I have now chosen the fabric to border this little book and the sewing machine is threaded and ready to go.  I am still hand embroidering and think I chose the right cotton thread that is thick too...  I am only on my first page embroidering as I want to go slowly ( which with the thickness of everything it is slow pulling the thick thread through.  Then I will be looking to see if I like it before moving on with it or cutting out another felt page and changing the thread entirely.

This morning I saw our really tame fat robin and he looked so handsome sat on one of our shepherd hooks. I went down to feed the birds and was talking to them.  Saying our friend will be feeding them whilst we are away and she will not hurt them and not to be scared ( honestly if anyone could hear me they may have called an ambulance! I guess) ... I always talk to them all and they are really becoming accustomed to my voice and me being there doing things whilst they are feeding.  Someone else they might just fly off ... they will come back for food I am sure but there was me thinking I should tell them about it anyway. !!

If I do not get this little book finished by the time I go then of course it will be ready for me to come home to, something to pick up and continue with along with 4 design baskets that are ready to go as well.  I was going to take the needle case with me but some has to be done on the machine and of course I have some trees to embroider and then stitch up when I return.  I think it is enough stitchery to carry around America as we will be out everyday so it really is only the plane journey's mostly.  Coming home overnight is too dark to see it so have decided to be sensible and only take my trees.

Instead of extra stitchery I will be taking my rough design book for ideas so I can write descriptions and little sketches and then when I return I can do it neatly in my design journal.  I am hoping to gather lots of different ideas and thoughts whilst away in different places.  The colours out there are changing and the ocean is vast with lots of different gift from the sea than here so I should have lots to work with I am sure.

It is amazing what you can take on the Virgin planes as carry on and as long as it does not weigh like you have packed your kitchen sink ( in case it falls from the lockers) then I have a lot of room.  I bought the new Country Living Christmas Magazine to take which was £4.99 I had a quick flick through when I got it home and saw that some of those images and to do's are from older December Country Living magazines from the past!! I was not impressed so I hope it is good. I do not want to look too closely now or I will have nothing to flick through but if you see it in the shops then do have a quick look to decide whether there are new things in there that you might like! I keep my Christmas Country Living magazines you see and so if it is all from past ones I will be very disappointed indeed.

Well that is it from me today and I will see you back here tomorrow.  Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Your needlecase sounds like it will be just as you want it to be. Have you thought of ribbon to tie round it?
    I stopped buying magazines because they got a bit repetitive. Like you I bought Christmas ones.

    Julie xxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie
      Yes I have been thinking that it’s still in the decision stage.

      I was disappointed but I haven’t had a proper look yet so I will see. That said I have flicked through quickly but I saw things that I had seen before.. disappointing at a penny off of £5!

      Hope you have a lovely day.
      To stir sewing g machine with me!

      Sarah xxxxx

  2. Morning Sarah,
    I would say that the easiest thing would be ribbon ties as it then won't matter how fat it gets although I do like the button idea as well but it might strain if it expands too much...bit like my clothes buttons lol.
    I really don't think magazines should use there old ideas when you're paying so much to read them.
    I don't think we will call for the ambulance for you just yet but do let us know if the birds start replying to you .....won't you dear !!!! Xxx

    1. Lol! ... No not yet, no replies but hey who knows!
      Yes I am now thinking ribbon too. I am busy embroidering at the moment so do not need to decide yet. I am going to finish all the felt pages and then see how thick it is ..
      I believe ribbon is the way to go too. I might loose an eye if the button pops !!
      May decorate with buttons on felt pages.,

      Another warm drink is needed now .. to ponder with!

      Sarah xxxxx

  3. I meant 'their' not 'there'x

    1. .. I do that a lot as I just write! Also predicted text drives me insane! X

  4. I'm with you on that one Sarah! Flipping predictive text - takes me twice as long to correct mistakes!! 😂 I agree about the ribbon ties - more rooom for expansion. You are so lucky to have the same Robin - one of our cats has just killed his fourth robin since the Spring - I am so upset - finding it very hard to forgive him - like all birds, they are such delightful little beings. Xxx

    1. Hello Mo
      Oh no! .. but it’s what cats do isn’t it, sad when there is no need as they are fed. Tibby who is a neighbour s cat comes to say hello to me and I adore him but if he starts to go ‘lion like’ I tell him off and he swaggers home!!
      Expansion is needed for this needlecade, I am being ambitious!! Lol

      Nice to hear from you .. take care Mo.

      Sarah xxx
