Friday, 13 October 2017

New Hampshire in the Fall .....

Autumn the years last 
loveliest smile ...

William Cullen Bryant.

Good Morning to you all, we are here safely and not tired at all, the flight was fabulous Virgin Atlantic know how to look after people. We are oh so excited to be back.  We are staying in Henniker as we usually do for a few days when we arrive and we are looking forward

to our visit to Quilted Threads and of course on our Wedding Anniversary we like to go to The Canterbury Shaker Village and this year will be no exception we are staying here for 4 nights and we arrived early hours your time last night so this is our first day today or will be soon.....
Having let our friend know we have arrived safely who is staying at our house to look after it and have a break too.

What I can see through our windows are the most gorgeous colours of the Fall and the most beautiful river, I can not wait to go pick up some of those beautiful leaves to press into my journal.  I pre ordered some wonderful hand dyed shaker threads so I will be going to see the wonderful Becky
and her team to pick them up at Quilted threads and possible pick a few more items as well .... it has to be done!

We have, in the past, stayed at The Colby Hill Inn on every visit here but our lovely friends Mason and Cyndi have sold it and we were late booking this year as we were not sure if we could go so anyway the long and short of it is we are staying somewhere else here and our room has window/door that opens onto the River here in Henniker.. It is breathtaking!  The sound of the rushing water over large rocks and trees of all colours lining the banks is just gorgeous. I am very happy indeed.
Autumn/Fall is in full swing here and the colours are outstandingly beautiful I can not stop staring out of the window.  I can not wait to get out there on our very first day and take a deep breathe and then get on with picking up leaves .... 

There will be our visit to the most wonderful vintage emporiums ever over the next few days and again we will more than likely come away with some wonderful vintage treasures such as threads and mother of pearl buttons and I will photograph things for you along the way to show you upon my return ... It is  a really good Vintage emporium and it is large with lots of people having inner little shops.  Last time we were in there I did not know where to look first it was so good, so I have high hopes for that visit over the weekend at some point or indeed it may even happen today.  We have no fixed plans as we wish to relax.

It is warm and I am waking to my very first day, surprised I slept to be honest with you all because I was so excited to be here but we are about to get some breakfast and watch the birds feed as normal.  There are always some blue jays about and some most spectacular red cardinals as well.  Also the little chipmunk's normally come out to play and they are so very funny indeed.  I may pop in here from time to time so keep and eye out but I would like to show you all so much when we return and I have collated the photos you may be interested in.  Becky lets me take photos in her beautiful clap board shop for my blog and I am privileged because photos are not normally allowed....
For now we need to just relax and have time out together as it has been a very hard and frantic few years to be honest.  Hold hands and bumble and of course it is the land of cake and muffins so guess who will be a happy chappy! Nicki Conway!!! ...

The excitement is building here so I will leave you all for now.  My official blog day back is Monday 6th November  . I will pop back on here for my Halloween message however on 31st October ....

I am afraid jet lag gets the better of me so I will take some time out to sort myself out .. thus the date above for my return.  There will be so much to tell you so be prepared to make warm drinks and cosy down for ten minutes .....

Any stitchery treasures I find along the way will be photographed and I will share with you the week I am back and tell you of all our adventures.  There may be a few longer blogs so be warned!  Still hopefully after an absence you may enjoy some ten minute reads....

Breakfast is calling because my lovely husband loves his breakfast here it is the one country in the world that serves cakes for part of the breakfast! and you know how he loves that by now!   so I will leave you now and just say I hope you all have a wonderful weekend I am so excited to be here and to be having time out together.  Lots of things planned and so our first day starts and so as always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Glad you have landed safely. Sounds wonderful. Enjoy xxx

    1. Thank you Dawn. Good to be here.
      Take care

      Sarah xxx

  2. Have the most wonderful time, and I look forward to reading all about it

    Julie xxxxx

  3. Have a wonderful holiday and relax! X

    1. Thank you Donna, it’s so good to be back.
      Take Care

      Sarah xxxxxx
