Friday, 23 June 2017

Very Slow Stitching in June sunshine.

Summer Time and the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin' 
and the cotton is high.....


So now are you all enjoying this glorious weather? I certainly am but it is a bit too hot to stitch unless I am by a fan.  When your hands get really warm it is not so easy to hold a needle without it slipping and pricking yourself, which means blood..... this means some could get on the beautiful fabrics, and
that would never do!

So by the fan on my little stall in my sewing room I have sat reading antique sewing and embroidery books for a while, feeling it is still working as I am increasing my knowledge but I am waiting out the midday sun.

However I am not complaining just in the real heat of the day I am doing something else and looking at the pure blue sky, not a cloud to be seen in a week!  I am trying not to be terribly British and complain about the weather because it all that we do.  Complain it is raining, complain it is hot, but it has been exceptional heat and we really are not used to it. That said I am loving this gorgeous weather and sitting eating our dinner in the garden, at night is glorious..

Tomorrow I am off to The Summer Brocante in Midhurst West Sussex and I am thoroughly looking forward to it, hoping all the treasure will not have been sold today ..
We will be leaving early to get there when it opens and so we can leave at a reasonable time to get back as we are at a Birthday drinks party in the evening and I want to get a full day in.

Whilst I was getting ready to write this blog I heard a familiar cry in the garden, we have a new very tame baby pigeon in our garden, he is fairly big but still fluffy and can fly  ish but we think he has been booted out of the nest.  We feed him and make sure he has water daily.  Already we have rescued him from a cat as well.  You will all not be surprised that I have named him and it is Percy.  Yes Percy pigeon and he now cries for me to come feed him!  So I went out and gave him his food as we want him to make it if we can possibly help that along.

There is a balance though because he is a wild animal and not a pet so we want him to fend for himself too, it is just at the moment he is relying upon us every morning and he is too cute.  So tomorrow we will be leaving before his normal visit so I am just going to leave some food in his normal place and hope that the chuckle brothers (baby magpies) do not get to it before he does.  All the birds are fed and watered in our garden we help them through nesting and through the winter months too.  We feel we get paid back in spades because they are all very tame and the bird song is beautiful to hear and it is also a great honour to be trusted by the wild life as well.

I have been sewing early in the morning to keep up with my progress and the bright light and sunny days and evenings have been fabulous.  In the early evening in the shade I have been taking my stitching outside and watching the garden cool down and the honey bees still working away from foxglove to foxglove! and lupin to blossom it is the best part of my day, that few hours waiting for my husband to come home and stitching quietly in the warmth of the June sunshine.

Also I have been playing around with an idea on some scrap linen and trying out some made up stitchery to see if works as well in real life as it does in my head.  I love that part of my day too the design and sketch part and the lets see if this works well part.

Tomorrow I  will be going to find Clare of Lou Lou Retro and see what fabulous fabrics she has on offer at her first ever vintage fair and I will get to meet this lady face to face for the first time.  I am looking forward to that.  In addition it will be lovely to meet up with some friend there too and sit and have a chat and coffee.  I have looked through my design book and have adjusted my list of things to look out for but I often find more that is on my list ... it is my one weakness!

Well that is it today as I must get so much done.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this amazing weather to the full.

I will see you back here on Monday so until then Happy Stitching! XX


  1. We have tame wild birds too. They are our pets without vets fees......
    Have a nice day tomorrow

    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie

      How true! Thank you I am really looking forward to it and just hope there is treasure left! LOL

      Sarah xxxxxxx
