Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Vintage wool threads and Regency era ... designing day tomorrow.

Where ever the distance
Where ever I roam
With my needle and thread
I will always make it my home.

As you all know I am off to London early next week for a few days and of course I want to take some stitching with me for when I am in our hotel room.  When I have done my looking around and research day I will come back to our room and have a warm bath and then sit and stitch whilst waiting for my husband to finish work and for us to go out to dinner.

That in mind I would like to pack fairly lightly so would like to get some stitching ready to take.  Already designed, cut out and threads etc chosen for me to just hand stitch happily.

So tomorrow I am going to have a glorious design day and I have been inspired ( still in my head stage ) to do some work with some beautiful old wool thread I bought on Ebay.

I bought four muted colours that are a sort of beige, duck egg, baby blue and a pale pale lemon colour, pictured above. They are really stunning.  In addition the other week from the same person I bought four more of these in much brighter colours ( left ) and between them I have an idea for them that has been rolling around my head for some time but really took on a whole new life after my visit to the Victoria and Albert museum on my last visit to London.  As I wandered round that beautiful and tranquil place I came across these great exhibits and that was it for me, my little grey cells started to work over time.  Now I have it in my head, tomorrow is D Day ( design day - grin ) and I will hopefully get it all ready to stitch so that I can take that to London with me and a couple of miniatures to finish off.

Then it can just be packed in a small bag with a good pair of sharp embroidery scissors, hoop and my
thimble and threads .....

This week is busy and exciting because of course I have the vintage fair in Wimborne on Sat 13th and then off to London and the Covent Garden vintage market plus some research and history trail ... more about all of that later on ( another story for another day)

So that all in mind I have to get down to my hand embroidery today and tomorrow my designing and getting it ready plus some cutting out of some of those beautiful vintage patchwork pieces I showed you.... these have got to go on the back burner until I return from London but I can at least get them ready to go ...

Have a really lovely day whatever you are up to and of course as always Happy Stitching!


  1. You know I am envious of you going to the V&A
    Julie xxxx

    1. I know Julie! Sorry ... It is a scrummy place .. xxxx
