Tuesday, 2 February 2016

February .. a time of hearts and hand stitchery.....

The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints
the buds and swells the leaves within.

William C Bryant

How true the above words are from William C Bryant, although the weather has been dreadful we have not had an awful lot of cold weather and the garden does not know if it is Winter, Spring or Summer.  I have roses budding and have been although the way through last year and Christmas. There are crocuses and snow drops along with some lavender, it is totally insane....

There is colder weather forecast for later this week but not frost so everything I guess will keep going. My roses were not bothered about the last frost and seem to be very hardy!

I am cosy and enjoying my stitching.  I am making tiny hearts for the heart jar and I am using teeny tiny little scraps of fabric to sew on to vintage linen hearts ... well it is the month of Valentine isn't it!!

I have my machine back which enables me to sew up the hearts and it is working better than ever, I am thrilled.

I want to continue with this today but look out on Thursday to see what I am up to.  I am loving the idea and will be starting it tomorrow when I am all hearted out!!

The heart in the picture above, is from the banner I made for Pretty Nostalgic magazine back in 2014! would you believe.

heart yo yo's with a vintage button stitched to the middle and stitched to a hanging vintage linen heart is a lovely way to decorate and if you fill them with lavender or rose then to hang in your wardrobe is great.  You don't need lots of fabric for small heart yo yo's either.

I am going to light the fire later and sit and embroider and stitch and finish my hearts.  There are so many things that you can do and these make beautiful small but thoughtful gifts for people .....

I have also got another job to do today and its a hard one..... I must sort through my box of hand dyed shaker threads to find just the right colour threads for my next projects , it is a dirty job but someone has to do it .... grin!

Anyway whatever you are doing today take care as I do not know about where you live at the moment but we have a very gusty wet day going on and I know if you are in Scotland you have a hoolie going on! .... that dear readers, if you are not from Scotland is a storm.  

Happy Stitching! and keep warm and safe.....


  1. Quite quiet weather wise at the moment in my part of Somerset. Yesterday was very windy but managed to dry washing on the line for the first time in ages!
    Julie xxxxxx

    1. well we started off early this morning with horrid weather at the time of typing this post and now we are in glorious sunshine!! Still better light for my stitching xx
