Friday, 12 February 2016

Vintage ribbon and wool thread jars .......

** The best preparation for tomorrow  **
**  is doing your best today!  **

Well this morning started early as I wanted to sort through my vintage ribbon and wool thread jars.  I needed to pack some bits to stitch and one of the things that I need to do for a project is embroider some vintage ribbons with some flowers, so I thought that would be an easy pack as it is very light for travelling.

The thing is I can not seem to just get some ribbon ... Oh no lovely reader,  I then start to think where did I buy this? and when?  and then I start to remember the day and where I was and getting all sentimental about certain threads etc.   From this year though I am keeping a proper journal on it.  When I buy from fairs, what I picked up etc so that I have a proper Idea.  I have always kept a little note book on how much things cost so that I am able to cost my creations properly but I really need more detail so as my first vintage fair of the year is tomorrow that when it will start....

For now though I had to sort some ribbons out and some thread and needles put in my trusty needle case for transporting safely.  I found some beauties I can
tell you .....

I found the lemon colour I was looking for and also had a good old look at some I bought from Donna Flower at the fair in Wimborne at Deans Court last year ....  These on the right are the blue ones that are particularly beautiful I think.  

I like glass jars for cotton reels, threads, wool threads, needles and ribbons ... this makes them visible and easy to get at.

Anyway I sorted some ribbons and threads out for one thing to take along with some embroidery on linen.  I am going to finish any initial machine stitching so that it is just ready to put into a hoop.  I have lots of different size embroidery hoops and I put them all together in size and tie with a ribbon then hang them up.  They are hung on the back of the door.  I know where they are and it keeps them very neat and tidy and then they can not bend out of shape at all.

I have some vintage threads ready and these, although not embroidery silks, are cotton, I sometimes use cottons  to embroider fine detail so I had to sort some of those out this morning too.

I want to finish work early today to do a bit of a tidy up in my sewing room as it somehow has got a bit out of hand and does actually need a hoover and dust so I want to spend a good hour and half to make sure it is all tidy and ship shape for my return from London and I can hit the ground running as my husband likes to say ....

So I must away to my work room and get on with my stitchery and also go through my list for tomorrow ( on the top being vintage French ticking for the star project) and as I am tidying up I can check stock against any projects and commissions ....

Have a wonderful day and a great weekend.  Do not forget there is a blog tomorrow and its a good one about The Royal School of Needlework with a little video...  Plus I will be blogging from London and on Monday there will be all the photos from the Pamphill vintage fair .... I am taking my laptop so that I can keep you up to date with my finds in
London as well.

As always Happy Stitching!  ******

The above photo is not mine and I do not know who
to accredit it to but I wanted to show you those beautiful
vintage pin cushions and embroidery .... Oh sigh! 


  1. Sounds like you are going to have the most wonderful few days
    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you Julie .. I am looking forward to it and hopefully finding som treasures xxx
