Monday, 1 February 2016

February already ... this is scary!!

February brings the rain.
Thaws the frozen lakes again!

So please tell me where January has gone?  I really feel like we just packed up from Christmas and already we are into our second month of 2016.

The weather is terrible here but I am very well aware that there are some very bad conditions in the North of our tiny island and people have been flooded out of their homes and businesses so really I have nothing to complain about.  We have a soggy garden but that is it.  On go the wellies to feed the birds and my tame squirrel.

This is the month that some great vintage fairs start and I am very much looking forward to starting the circuit again this year.  I feel I have not been to one for ages.  My cough is all but gone but has taken nearly 6 months to do so ( shhh I should not have spoken too soon, just in case it thinks that I am missing it and decides to re visit me!!)

After my visit to the V & A the other week and sitting in the fashion exhibit scribbling in my journal I am in the middle of designing a 1920/30 piece.  I have been looking closely into their fashion and magazines of the time.  I adore this era of fashion, even their PJ'S were stunning in silks with matching dressing gowns.

I would love to get hold of a stitching magazine of the time and have been trolling and truffling through the internet and Ebay.  So I am pleased that the vintage fairs are starting because you never ever know what will be on offer to purchase, it is very exciting.

So today I am going to do a little research and have a designing day I think plus I have a little pile of hand stitching ( tiny project things) that I want to get finished so that is my day planned.  How about you?

Have a great day whatever you are up to and as always Happy Stitching!


  1. Yes where has January gone? I haven't done any crafting as such which is so annoying. Lets hope February fairs better... I just hope this year doesn't go as fast as last year!
    Julie xxxxx

  2. Julie I am with you there .. Years are rattling on!
    Looking forward to Spring though.

    I hope you get some time to craft soon.
    Thank you for your support on here and enjoy reading your comments ..

    Sarah xx
