Thursday, 11 February 2016

Imagination and stitchery go hand in hand ..... there are no rules just freedom to create.


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WISH   *   HOPE   *   DREAM

There are no rules in stitchery just the freedom to design and create.  I love the freehand in stitchery we have adopted today with a kind of distressed and vintage feel, in addition to the wonderful aged fabrics and linens that we can pick up at vintage fairs, vintage shops and on line our imagination and dreams can create such beautiful bespoke items.

 Stitches are more freehand and less formal and I simply love this style.  It is not for everyone I know and also when quilting it is advised to be disciplined in the art of precise but for stitchery and vintage it has a creative freedom with an almost primitive feel that I personally and simply adore....

I enjoyed my design day yesterday and was able to do a few designs in the rough idea stage. I have been playing with some star designs and beautiful French ticking.  There is a green, beige and red ticking and I am now just looking for a blue and indigo as well, luckily I am going to a vintage fair on Saturday so I may be lucky enough OR there is London next week ....

So that is one of my designs that I have been doing a mock up of to see if I like it.  I do love vintage French ticking and in the pieces I have already you can see tiny holes that shows that ones they were on mattresses and have been unpicked to use as fabric.  They have been carefully washed and pressed and now, hopefully, they will be made into bespoke design and breathe a new lease of life ...

This is one of those precise designs so that each point of the five point star actually meets fairly correctly and sits properly ... Also tiny ones to appliqué as a whole and embroider on to other designs as well... less complicated that what I am trying out here, I can tell you.

Well we will see when I have all the ticking colours I need and then when they are cut out and sewn we will see if my idea actually work...

I love barn stars and picked up an antique Amish star, you have seen it in some of my photos and it takes pride of place.

The thing is to always try and to see if it works, fabrics can always be used on other things so it is never a waste and that is what creating is all about, I think.

Well I must away to my day as I have an awful lot to be doing and I am still getting things to take with me to London next week so that I have some stitchery with me.  I have to get them to the stage of hand embroidery  and be able to pack them in my case.

I am looking forward to getting more ticking and next week I can have a go at seeing what this might look like ....  Have a great day and as always Happy Stitching!


  1. Ooooh love those fabrics. I have a mangle cloth but I am reluctant to cut into it...........
    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Oh how lovely Julie .. Yes I would have trouble with that too! I rember the first time I cut into an antique French linen sheet .. I was shaking!

      Sarah xx
