Tuesday, 12 May 2015

The Garden calls..... And a dear little antique bottle

I do not know how anyone can live without
one small place of enchantment to turn to!

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

Today I am playing hooky for the morning and getting in the garden to plant a mountain of plants that I have bought.

We have been having work done here in the form of a new drive and the side pathway and patio.  We have had gravel put down and new posts and gates going on.  All of the above was finished yesterday except we are waiting for the five bar gates to arrive.

So I went out and bought lots of new bedding plants as well as annuals to put in.  At the weekend we planted all the pots and hanging baskets ( and eight varieties of tomato's) but now that the digging and dust work has been done the front garden looks sad SO this morning I am having a morning of gardening!  I have some beautiful foxgloves, daisys, cornflowers and hollyhocks to get in as well... A cottage garden if you like.

When the guys were digging they found a dear little glass bottle (3ft in the ground) still intact and not even a chip.  So the dear little bottle has been washed and has pride of place on our kitchen dresser....

The drive way was horrid tarmac and so it had to go and it's place we now have gravel. One thing is for sure you would have to be a Ninja to walk to our front door and us not hear you coming now!

Then this afternoon I will be able to sit in the garden and look at the fruits of my labour with my hand stitching that I am in the middle of.  You will be pleased to know that all cutting out of fabric has now been completed and I am really now enjoying the embroidery of the back ground.  I am hoping to get to the applique by the weekend.  I am actually in the middle of embroidering a little far away flower border so it is highly appropriate to be doing this in the garden whilst looking around at the birds and the bees about their daily routines.  Our two apple trees are in full bloom and the bees are busy collecting for the honey.  Our pear tree has lost all its blossom and now has tiny pears instead.

I hope you have a wonderful day and tomorrow do not forget to come back as I have been lucky enough to talk to Jo from Hesta Nesta ..... She kindly has agreed to talk to you all about her antique business with some wonderful photos!!

So you will forgive me for rushing off now and getting on with my busy schedule.  Have a wonderful day and enjoy this lovely weather,

Happy Stitching!

This is the hole that the dear little antique bottle was rescued from!

 do not understand how anyone can live
without one small place of enchantment to turn to.

- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

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