Friday, 15 May 2015

Stitch of the week ......Double Feather Stitch by Mary Corbet

Today's stitch of the week is the double feather stitch and is once again brought to you by the lovely Mary Corbet....

You will see what a beautiful stitch this is and in her tutorial Mary says you can make it into a lovely vine of flowers by adding some French knots maybe... you will see what I mean when you watch.  Also take a look at the photo from Needle and Thread,,,,

You could incorporate this stitch into a embroidered flower border...

I am now off to the Decorative Living fair in Tunbridge Wells... There is a great line up of people there including Hesta Nesta and Donna Flower plus Christine from the Sea Garden....I will let you know all about it next week.  In the meantime enjoy!

Make a warm drink and enjoy this great tutorial and have a wonderful weekend.

Happy Stitching!

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