Monday, 4 May 2015

How to Do Needle Turn Applique ... tutorial by Wendi Gratz

The term is borrowed from French  and, in this context, means "applied" or "thing that has been applied." Appliqué is a surface pattern that is used to decorate an aspect of a garment or product.

I have been asked about applique and the different methods.  I like to sometimes combine the two on occasions.  You can iron on fabric to fusible web paper.
 Then you draw and cut out the shape you require.  Then all you do is peel of the backing and place shape where you would like it and iron. You can then embroider around the edge.  Or you can do needle turn applique as shown below in the tutorial by Wendi Gratz.

Now I have on occasions done both together by drawing the shape on over the fusible paper but leaving a fabric edge to turn under.  It can be a little tricky but can hold your shape in place perfectly whilst invisible stitching around the shape.

This is a great tutorial so make yourself a drink on this fine Bank Holiday Monday and enjoy.

I am not working today and having a complete weekend off from stitching.... I will be so happy to start again tomorrow but I am enjoying Devon and sketching new designs from the inspiration around me.....

Happy Stitching!

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