Monday, 11 May 2015

Sweet pea antique fabric .... with threads.

"Sweet Peas, on tiptoe for a flight,
With wings of gentle flush, o'er delicate white." - Keats

Whilst deliberating and cogitating over the fabrics for my latest picture design I came across a beautiful piece of vintage fabric with sweet peas on it.  Sweet peas are one of most favourite flowers of all with their delicate petals and sweet perfume.
I thought you may like to see this most gorgeous fabric.  This is the fabric that will go on two cushions for the Lloyd loom chairs that I am trying to find.  As you know I have two and need
another four chairs to complete my six.  I bought some new fabric that I loved and then bought some great vintage fabric from Daisy Darling stall at Bradford on Avon vintage fair....

Well I said to you all I was on the look out for four more chairs and the third fabric..... It turns out I have the fabric already! what luck and what bad stock control skills ....!!

To be fare to me, as only one can be fare to ones self ... It was folded up and put back in the wrong place ( it had crept into my paisley drawers! .. yes drawers!! ) which technically is me again being sloppy!.... Still I am very pleased that I came across it and it is now with the other fabrics.  I think now I can make all six cushion covers for the chairs as the Lloyd loom chairs I am looking for are all the same shape for cushions.
 I also thought I would embroider on this fabric in the corner of each cushion the above quote, or at least some of it.

So now I have it all together it is something I will have to start to stitch on a weekend.  For now though I really must get on with the picture that I started yesterday.  I have drawn my design lightly on the antique French linen and I have drawn on the fabric and started cutting out the applique pieces to attach to said linen. I think I will start the background embroidery first and then attach the applique, then adding button detail and any last little stitches that may be needed for this project.

The picture above on the right is the reminder of the other two fabrics that will be in the Lloyd loom chairs and I think all three go well together.....

Well I am so glad that I found this beautiful sweet pea fabric and now all three are safely together and have started to be cut.   Today though is about getting on with the background embroidery....

So I am away to my stitchery and hope you all have a wonderful day and of course Happy Stitching!


  1. Beautiful fabrics. I hope you find your chairs soon.

    1. Thank you! me too. I think it may be a case of scouring boot sales and antique shops. I would like to paint some of them. The two I have are painted and were bought like that. One is antique white and the other a pale duck egg.

      So wish me luck!
      Sarah :)
