Wednesday, 14 May 2014

When designing my work....... The process can be very time consuming but worth it, I hope.

Hello all

Yesterday I talked about samplers and the fact that at the moment I am in the middle of stitching a couple of my designs.

I always sketch my designs as I have told you but also I do an awful lot of research.

 I like to research antique samplers for not only aspiration but maybe long forgotten or not so used stitches.  I am always looking for different shades of embroidery thread.... I favour the hand dyed shaker threads that I purchase from America and of course every time I get a new thread or re-order one the shade is slightly different being hand dyed.... I find this enchanting!

I also do a great deal of practise on embroidery stitches at the moment as my work now has a great deal more embroidery in it.  I have looked at tutorials on google and I, particularly, find this more useful than  looking at a stitch in a book.  Sometimes I find them hard to understand.

I am always researching something and I have to say, over the last year, learnt so much.

Although I adore a hand written letter instead of an email..... The Internet has been a great tool in helping me learn new skills in embroidery and applique and taking in information and facts.  In addition I have taught myself to be able to start dating fabrics as well.  I always put that kind of information on the back of my pictures so I have to be correct.

When I am designing a new sampler or picture at the moment it starts with an idea of what I want to achieve.  I sketch, research, water colour and look for just the correct embroidery threads and fabrics. The process is not a quick one.... BUT I hope that this shines through in my work and that is what brings so much pleasure from the people who purchase from me....

I am taking a few more commissions for this summer so if any of you are interested just email me for a chat of what it is you require and prices.

Have a most wonderful day and .....Happy Stitching!!

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