Thursday, 22 May 2014

A Vintage Bank Holiday weekend......what will you be doing?

Good Morning all

Well it is another Bank Holiday here in England and It promises to be not great weather!! Today as I write this it is high winds and rain, very disappointing as I really wanted to be in the garden... C'est la vie!

I am going to have the whole 3 days off... we are meeting some friends and other wise pottering about and see what takes our fancy.   However there a few vintage events this weekend so I wanted to let you all know..

Firstly .....
The West Country Vintage Textile Market
Othery Village Hall
Fore Street

Saturday 24th May
9am - 2pm  ...... with a £1 entry fee

Lou Lou's Vintage fair
At the Bath Pavilion

The Wahoos are performing as well.... they are humdinging jazz cats!
Great music whilst you ponder over 100 stalls.... they are playing two set. 12.15pm and 2.15pm
(sorry could not find a postal code for this venue but there is only one Pavilion in Bath and the event will be sign posted)

Sunday 25th May
11am - 4pm ....... with £2 entry fee

Wimborne Antiques and Collectors Fair
Allendale Centre
Hanham Road
BH21 1AS

Monday 26th May
10am - 4pm........ with a £2 entry fee

If you are near any of these then they will be worth a visit.  All have refreshments on offer as well.

I am looking for some vintage hankies as you know to make my curtain for the downstairs cloakroom.  I have some and only yesterday bought two more from Ebay...... two beauties as well..  I am hoping to get to the Wimborne one and possibly the one in Bath, but we are meeting friends on the Saturday so we will not be able to attend the West Country one...... I could leave a message on our door to come in and help themselves but it really isn't cricket when you have invited friends to eat with you... is it? ......

I hope you have a wonderful weekend all and my blog will return on Tuesday 27th May.......

Happy Stitching!


  1. Thank you for the write up for Othery. I have a few vintage hankies for you to rummage through next weekend. Have a wonderful time off over the 3 day break! Lizzie x

  2. Thank you Lizzie and I am really looking forward to seeing you next weekend..... Sarah x
