Tuesday, 7 August 2018

The garden is alive with summer and tiny stitches in the shade..

Live in each season as it passes,
breathe the air and resign yourself
to the influence of the earth.

The beauty of this summer is that you can basically plan ahead, the weather has been outstanding for months and you can decide a week in advance if you would like to do this or that.  I am living the season and breathing in all the beautiful warm air daily and happily sitting in the garden of an evening after the sun has set and basking in the evening warmth with a little welcome sea breeze. The floral scents of the hot garden after a good water is wonderful too and I love all my seasons as you all know by now but I shall be sad to see the summer of 2018 leave us, although what is my savour,  is that I adore autumn so I will have that to comfort me.

I just hope next summer is as good as this one is ... Slow stitching in the garden every week has been just wonderful and as I take my inspiration from what is around me it is the perfect place to be .... I have not stitched in my work room since April.

Today is another beautiful day and other than go to my dress maker and deliver some fabric covered buttons that were needed I can be here and sat in the garden with my basket of stitching for company. Oh and of course Miss Muddy who has started to come more often again.  She likes to come where I am because of the shade.  I loose the shade there around 4 pm and that is full sun then until the sun goes to bed and I turn on the fairy lights.  So that is my day finished now for stitching and I go inside to other things.

I can not believe that is just under two weeks until the Cotswold's Fair at Toddington and it is that time of year when we get together with friends and have a really lovely weekend.  I am really looking forward to it as well.  My basket is ready to pack already and with this weather I will probably take
my sunhat with me too.

Whilst sat in the early morning in my favourite spot with my warm drink I saw a little twitching of leaves in one of our borders.  I wondered what it might be.  In a split second I had decided if it was the mother of all arachnids I would be dropping my cup and doing a 3 second sprint to the kitchen door ... Then a happy surprise it was a baby robin! Oh my so very lovely.  When I go out I take some mealy worms with me in a little bag and I was able to feed it.  Then I noticed he had a stained beak and that he had been nibbling at our blackcurrant bush! it made me laugh;

Autumn birds speak cheerful poetry 
from their berry-stained beaks.
 ~Terri Guillemets

 I was so enthralled I forgot to take a photo and as it happened later when I came in to write to you all I had discovered I did not have my phone or camera with me anyway. Never mind Autumn this little fella was helping himself to the summer berries and staining his beak!

This said tomorrow I am going to make sure that I do have my camera  because should this little fluffy barely red breasted beauty come back I would love to capture it on film to show you all.  It is probably one of Mr Robbins babies and oh so tiny and pretty.

Thus that inspired me with the top photo that I snapped this morning at the top of this blog. Our garden really is alive with Summer this morning.

So today I have the fabrics cut out for appliqué, I have the hand dyed threads that I need and some rather gorgeous buttons and I am going outside to create.  I have my journals with me ready to to take to my spot and all that is left to do is pop the kettle on and make my herbal tea. 

I am hoping to achieve so much today and so without further a do I am going bid you all farewell for now and of course I will be back here on Thursday morning.  Wednesday is my stitching and sketch day and sometimes it turns in to all sorts of a day....

Hope you all all have a wonderful day and the sun shines for you all wherever in the world you are reading this from.

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Morning Sarah,
    How special to meet a new friend in your garden, must have been magical, dear little baby Robin. I think you should call him/her Bobbin! ��

    I love your photos and quotes today. Your basket is full of gorgeous things.
    Have a lovely stitching day.
    Love Dawn xxx

    1. Hello Dawn
      Bobbin! Love it. If I see the little fella again and hope I do!

      Thank you glad you enjoyed the read today and visuals too. As you know I love my words and quotes!
      Enjoying my sewing day ..
      Hope you have a great day too.
      Sarah xxx

  2. Good morning Sarah...How exciting, a baby robin.💕

    Yes the summer has been fantastic...hopefully we will have bumper crops.

    Also I love your quotes..your beautiful projects. Enjoy the day and your special projects.💕

    1. Morning Lora
      Thank you glad you enjoyed the blog today and quotes .. it’s lovely to know that its enjoyed.
      Having a great stitching day in the sun, a lovely see breeze too. Time to be coming in soon, shade has gone now as the sun has moved round.!!
      Have sa great day!
      Sarah 🐝

  3. Thank you for the good and very helpful information. It is very interesting. I love all the things you share and see your beautiful creation. Thank you for sharing with everyone.
