Monday, 13 August 2018

HI HO! ... its off to the garden to sew!

“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as
 I used to think.  It's splendid to find out
 there are so many of them in the world.” 

L.M Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables

Since I started writing this blog and indeed pen paling I have happily discovered the truth in the quote above.  Without the use of social media I would not have found so many gorgeous new friends that are so like me it is unreal and from all across the globe. Those of you who love to stitch and talk about your projects and what you do and sew.  The nature lovers of you who enjoy my garden adventures, people who I write letters to on a regular basis, word smiths like me who love quotes and sayings and those of you that are all of the above ... I am truly blessed with some wonderful kindred spirits.

The weeks has seemed to just fly, It is already coming towards the middle of August and I do not know where it has gone.  My days do go by quickly when I am sewing it is true and when I am writing in my journals as well. I have really achieved lots in the last two weeks as well and pleased with the bits for publication.  Truly enjoying the summer of 2018 and garden slow stitching, it certainly has been wonderful to be outside so much this year.

It is only 5 sleeps until the fabulous Cotswold's Fair and I am so looking forward to it, one of my favourites on the vintage calender and wonderful to meet up with lots of our lovely friends who are like minded.  The Cotswold's is stunning and where the fair is held is so pretty.  The Broadway is the town where we stay and go out for the evening ... also really beautiful.  In addition our friend Ali has her shop there Betty and Violet and she will also be attending the fair.  She and her husband are one of the couples that we go out with later that night.

Sorry about last week and me not putting my blog onto the Homespun face book page it was a rush
day with going to mum and other bits happened.  Anyway I put a little something on Friday about a vintage fabric sale so I will let you know when this week it will be happening ...

My Mum was very sleepy last week and she she kept dozing on and off until the lunch was served.  She loves her lunch, or more to the point she adores her deserts ...
When we were talking to the manager of her care home she said that Mum had woken up that morning and walked down to her office.  She sat in with her and had a coffee and was telling her she
was tired as she had been out last night with myself and my sister and we had been skating together and we had so much fun.  It was so lovely to hear that she had the most wonderful dream.  I should explain that my Mum was once an Ice Folly and skated very well and taught my sister and I to do the same.  So it was a memory of sorts and she was so happy ... she was tired as she thought we had kept her out very late skating! Oh how I wish that had been so.

I'm a dreamer. I have to dream and
reach for the stars,and if I miss a star
 then I grab a handful of clouds.

Well I have got back two of my dresses and I am going to be doing some of the embroidery on at least one of them this week.  I am over the moon with them and the other two are about to be started
but I have been told they could be 6 weeks or so as she is so busy at the moment.  Debbie made the pattern for my dresses from a drawing of mine and we have tweaked them together over things that I have asked for.  The fabrics for the next two went in last Friday and so I am so very pleased they will be started at least in the next few weeks..... I am so pleased with them. So today It is working on a dress for me.  I have almost decided what to stitch and so that is my day sorted to a point as I want to wear one of them to the Cotswold's fair on Saturday.

Last Friday we had lots of rain and so I was inside working and it felt so strange, I was pleased for the garden mind and it needed it because it was parched, I water the flowers but it is not enough for the ground to become nice and soft and the grass to be green and lushes ... I am so pleased however that the weather today is back and I can sit in my garden office ( table and chairs outside with large umbrella ) once more, I am not ready for Autumn and Winter just yet although sadly they are just around the corner.

My basket of sewing is ready for this week of work along with the dresses and I will be happily here for today and tomorrow with no errands to run and so two whole days stretch before me with my slow stitching.  I hope that you all have a wonderful day today and as always .....

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Love those kindred spirits.

    Wonderful your Mom's memories surfaced in her dreams....special! 💕

    Enjoy the pleasant weather and stitching of course. We are starting to see evidence of pending it too.

    Have a wonderful week Sarah!! 💕💕

    1. Hi Lora
      Thank you yes part dream part memory from Mum but it makes her and us smile!
      Hope you are enjoying good weather and some sewing ..
      oh do not want an early Fall .. but more summer yet . I hope.

      Sarah 🍃🌼🍃

  2. Bless your mum, How lovely that she has such sweet dreams.
    I do love LM Montgomery. It is wonderful when you find a kindred spirit.
    Have a great time in the Cotswolds, wish I could go but the garden is very demanding of our time, with work being done between rain showers this weekend. I can't wait to see the back of all the mud! Miss Muddy Beak would like it here! Xxx

    1. Ah Mum was so happy with her dream night out with us .. it cheered us all.
      I wish you were going to the fair too but As you say your garden needs all hands on deck! I will send Miss Muddy for lunch! 😂

      Sarah xxx

  3. Your mum sounds like she had a wonderful time skating. I remember seeing summer shows at an ice rink in your area in the sixties. Have a great time at Cotswold.
    Leaving a comment is a bit hit and miss at the moment.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie
      Now early 60,s is when she was an ice folly .. you possibly watched my mum!

      Thank you I am really looking forward to the Cotswolds and the fair...
      lovely to hear from you, hope all is well..

      Sarah xxxxxxxxxx

  4. What a delightful experience for your mum. Things like these are to be savoured. I was planning on going to Toddington this weekend and so looking forward to it. Sadly owing to other pressing issues I cannot now attend and I am sad about that as I had hoped to catch up with you. I hope you have a great time and I am sure you will. You will look beautiful in your new dress I am sure. You are so right about finding kindred spirits on social media. For all it it's downsides, I too have met some wonderful new friends and had experiences I probably would not have had without being able to hear about them via this medium.
    Weather here has definitely slipped seamlessly into autumn with a sharp drop in temperature and quite a bit of rain. On an positive note, th egarden looks very fresh and the grass has all but recovered.
    Love, Mo xx

  5. Hi Mo
    Oh what a shame Toddies is one of my favourites and the weather is set to be good. Autumn can’t come in August!! It’s too early !!! She cried ��
    As you say the grass will recover in rain.
    Love that Mum had that dream and cold find the words to relay it .. if only though ..
    Hoping you have a good weekend and that we catch up soon ..

    Sarah xxxx

  6. I'm so glad to have met you online and become penpals Sarah. A little visit with you here and via my letterbox brightens my day. I'm glad there are so many kindred spirits out there.
    Tracy xo

    1. Oh hello Tracy how wonderful you popped up on here, hoping your happy mail has arrived safely to you.
      I am also so pleased we have met and yes our kindred spirit circle of pen pals. Glad you are enjoying reading on here....
      Talk to you soon.

      Sarah XX
