Monday, 30 July 2018

Treasures of Honiton visit.......

Truffling around an antique shop is
one of my favourite pass times and
my husband is as happy as I am
doing the same thing ..... treasure
hunting can happily go on for hours.

A few weeks ago we were in Devon as you know at our friends cottage and one of the mornings we ventured into Honiton and went to my favourite antiques shop there.  I have photographed the bits that I picked up for you to look at.  I love walking around Honiton and particularly in this Fountain Antique shop on the lower hill of the high street.

There is also a little museum in Honiton high street that is  dedicated to Honiton lace but unfortunately it was closed when we went that day.  They sell little bits of antique lace there in a basket by the till and have a lovely 20 minutes or so truffling about in there and bringing home some little gems.

Firstly my husband found this gorgeous desk blotter made from wood and with raised painted wood flowers on it.  I have given it a clean up with a damp cloth as I did my precious box a few weeks ago with wood soap and see how it come alive. This is the first clean and it will be cleaned once more just to get the rest of the dust of time out of the wood.  It is so pretty and will also be used.  My husband has cut bits of blotting paper to size to fit it for me and they are in my desk drawer ready for use as and when.

A little bit of writing history on my desk and again I can not help but wonder who owned this originally and what letters were written.  It says to me a lady that is for sure, it is not something I believe would have graced a mans writing desk.  So letters to family and friends or to her hat maker or indeed a love letter or two ... you see how my mind works!!! I get so carried away with my little stories from my truffled treasures ..   

I am very happy with it and it now sits with my calligraphy pens, wax seals and coloured inks.  It really is very vibrant and beautiful.

Then I think you may remember I bought two lace collars and on of them is Edwardian and it my
favourite of the two.  The detail and the work that went in to making that little collar is immense. I am not sure how to use it yet but it may be fashioned into one of the dresses that are being made, we will see.

In addition I purchased a bag of vintage embroidery transfers as well and it was lovely as their was a transfer in the books with the date on it as 1933 so I know when most of them were manufactured and probably in magazines or books of them sold in haberdashery shops of that year.

So with all the photographs now taken I can start to put it all away safely, but my back is preventing me still from having a good sort out and put away.  There is nothing that I can do but let it mend and keep exercising my back and going on walks to our beach slowly ... It is a good thing to go slowly as you see more than you would when you get a move on.  It may not be as good for the cardiovascular system but it yields lots of little wild flowers growing and butterflies along the way.

I try not to bend down though, my back is easing but it sure is hanging around too long for my liking so I had it checked out and it appears there is a bit of a kidney problem as well and its probably bruised and that is what is hurting more.  So plenty of water and fluids and be a little careful for a few more weeks... I am cross because I do not have time for this! Oh well....

The first thing I am going to do when it is fully recovered is go have a good rummage and truffle in my stitchery room in all the cupboards and drawers of gorgeous fabrics, linens and embroidery threads along with mother of pearl button stash, I have missed it and it has to be done! sniff and stroke all the fabrics and coo over the threads ... why is it when you can not bend so readily, everything you need seems to be at ground level!

 Anyway we had a wonderful weekend bumbling around and I did get some more little stitches done. We had no where to be in particular and so it was a relaxing time with lots of laughter and fun - just the two of us.

The weather is again beautiful and summer fills the air.  After I have finished chatting to you all I am going to make a cup of coffee and get my project basket and my journal and go and sit in our garden under the shade of our umbrella and start my day.  Fresh air and the garden with all the wildlife early before the sun makes them retreat.  Its not a bad work environment and I know how lucky I am believe me.
I am enjoying being in the garden stitching and something else we had a thunder storm with an hour of rain the other day, it did the garden some good.  The air and garden smelt fresh when it was over and the sun shone throughout! very unusual indeed.  It was the first rain we had here since April.  It has been forecast but never arrived until last week.

So on to this week well as I said last Friday I have a good amount of time to stitch which I am pleased with but also an appointment at the photographers later in the week.

Whilst sat stitching I gather my thoughts and sip at my coffee happily being proactive.  I have to say that I will have to get up every hour and have a wander other wise my back gets a bit sore.

Can you believe it is nearly August already?  August to me means one thing and it is the gorgeous Cotswolds fair and our annual get together with friends and dinner and laughter in the evening when we stay over.  I love this fair and it is only two weeks away so I am getting very excited about it.  When I look back though it does not seem like a year ago, where oh where has that gone?
Still until then my work has to be my focus.

Although more slowly than I personally like things are getting done and ticked off the list so I can see that there is progress, even though some days I feel that there has not been enough.  That is the great thing about list, you see the line through something completed and feel immense gratification, or at least I do anyway.

Well that is me for today and I will be back here tomorrow and update you on my antics, I can here Mr blackbird singing outside which is unusual in the morning at this time.  He must be happy.
Have a wonderful day today and as always ...   Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Sarah-
    Good morning...glad you had your back checked out. The tincture of time along with listening to your body. You will get back to your normal.

    Love the desk blotter...if only it could talk. Oh but our imaginations....

    Interesting it has been so dry for you and here in this part of the US it has been so wet. Love summer and all seasons really. Some mornings feel like fall here.

    Have a great day and week. Love the lace, until the next read.πŸ’•πŸ’• Lora

  2. Morning Lora

    Oh our imagination! Indeed .. I wonder so many things, a bit of a day dreamer am I!

    We have had storms over the weekend and although the rain has done the garden some good, the high winds have battered it I am afraid!
    Still the sunny weather has returned and ithe temperatures are set to rise high again by mid week.
    Autumn πŸ‚/ Fall is my favourite season although I love and see beauty in them all, it has to be said it’s my favourite time of the year.
    As you say kindred spirits..
    I am glad you enjoyed the read today .. have a great day Lora.

    Sarah πŸƒπŸŒΌπŸƒ

  3. I'm sorry your back (and kidneys) are still causing you strife. Thankfully th weather is conducive to lovely slow meandering though, which will help. Love your finds. I spent yesterday tidying and sorting my sewing room. What a mess it was - I found things I had forgotten I lost and a few projects that I must add to my growing pile of 'still to do', once I have worked through my 'works in progress'! We've had a couple of days of rain, with. Cloudy skies and a real drop in temperature- oh how I miss the sun already. However, the garden needed it, as did the wildlife and livestock. Have a lovely day.
    Mo xxx

  4. I use to live in Sidmouth in the late eighties and was lucky enough to shop in the Honiton Lace shop which has since closed, and also venture into all the lovely antique shops too.

    Julei xxxxxx
