Friday, 6 July 2018

Story ...

Sometimes the things that we have lost
can be found again in unexpected places.
Daniel Handler

Well as you all know by now I found my beloved journal that I had going on in America last year.  It had bits about our trip that I haven't even written up yet along with doodles and sketches and to top it off our tickets from the whale watch we went on and it was the very first time we had ever been.  There are leaves tucked in there from The Canterbury Shaker Village and lots of little silly things that I could never get back as it were.  Especially the leaves from Canterbury, I wander around and pick a few up every year I go.  They are all nestled happily between pages of a holiday journal and I could not bear the thought that these ones had ended up in a shredder or a rubbish tip. The thing is I just could not settle to anything, even sleep.  One night I dreamt my journal was in the bathroom cabinet.  I knew it would not be but I had to get up at 3 am and check anyway! Still it is back and so today I am going to write up from there what has not yet been done so that I do not have to go through this again.

You should see my sewing room, truly like a bomb sight so again that is going to be addressed today as well.  I think this should take up my whole day to be honest but then I can start next week fresh and get down to some serious stitching which has been on hold for far to long.  It has cooled here slightly and there is more of a sea breeze which is more than welcome here.

We are not that used to such hot weather in England and not for this long either and when I speak to friends they are all saying how lethargic they feel at the moment and I can actually say I do as well. It may be a combination of tearing the house apart for said journal and the heat, who knows but it feel I could go sleep more right now as well.

However I am resolute in the fact that today is tackle the mess day and then later on I will sit outside in the shade and actually go through the journal and get some things written up in the appropriate

Next week I have a list of things to be done and one of them at the top of list is to cover some buttons for two of my dresses that are being made.  I really must get on with that and give those to Debbie who is making for me.  I also have some embroidery to do on one as well so I guess we will swap over a bag of bits to each other.  I am very excited.  In addition, she does not know yet, that Cabbages and Roses fabrics have been bought ... eek and I would like a bit of a rush job on one of them.  Honestly she is going give me a look ( the one that says how many arms do you think I have Sarah and am I allowed to sleep occasionally!!)

I am still to finish my mushroom sampler and really I have so much to do.  This week has been a strange one as well with my Husband working from home as he has not been well at all. Last weekend he was bitten by something, not a midge either.  His leg is huge and it really has no ankle.  He can not get a shoe on and it is painful. He does not do ill very well so he has been a bit grumps!
He can not walk properly either so I am running around with drinks, tablets, food ... do you know I
never really appreciated how much he consumes in a day at work until this but it is rather like having a fledgling at home!! Bless him though he is in pain.  Trying to get him to elevate his leg is,well, a battle.  Thing is he is working from home so sat at his desk on a computer and so it is not until he finishes for the day can I get him to sit with his leg up.

Still ... I found my journal (big huge grin) so nothing else phases me right now ....

I can not believe however where this week has gone to, this time last week I was preparing to attend The Summer Brocante and Cowdray and getting everything ready and here we are Friday again.  The world is spinning too fast.

This morning early when I went out to fill the bird bath and feed the little birdies, including my gorgeous lady Miss Muddy Beak, I also took out a handful of strands of fabrics from paisleys and eiderdown fabrics that I have been using.  I popped them in our pear tree and and came back in.  I watched as Miss Muddy went back and forth so she is still sorting her residence out it seems.  Although she has moved and I wonder if Mr Robin became too much for her. Thing is he was not vocal with her it was the other way around he used to just stare at her.  I kept thinking it was a look that said 'woman be still and give others a chance' it did amuse me somewhat.

I have just taken a peak out and it has all gone and no it is not flying around in a ball in the garden,its been collected so there are some very fluffy and pretty nests out there in the garden and surrounding
trees today it seems.

Anyway enough of my rambles today, I am off to have some breakfast and a coffee and then it is hi ho off to work ( cleaning up) I go.  It will make me feel so much better I can tell you.

I am really looking forward to getting it all put away and then going in the garden with my journals.  The sound of the birds singing their songs and in the shade of the big umbrella I will be able to think and sort out my journals.  Monday will be a fresh start and hopefully the beginning of a very productive week indeed.

Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend and as always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Hope your husband improves. Amazing how our bodies react to the venom of any insect. Hope it is soon behind him.

    We all feel better as we tidy and organize our workspaces. We can be distracted as we do.

    Your Mom will have up and down days but I am sure she knows you are there. ❤❤

    Enjoy your day and your weekend.xoxo

    1. Hello Lora
      Thank you, Mum gave me a huge hug and kiss but she was I don’t know, disheveled and different..
      Andrew is in pain but hopefully the rest over weekend will see it better because it’s leg up time then.
      Still hot here but a cool sea breeze in our garden every so often.. gorgeous.
      Have a wonderful weekend.

      Sarah xxx

  2. Oh dear, poor Andrew, sounds awfully painful. I hope 'Nurse Sarah Nightingale' is tending the wounded soldier with gentle ministrations.

    I think you should write your own 'Poem of Solitary Delights' (Akemi)

    'What a delight it is to discover that a special journal that I thought was lost, is not lost at all.

    What a delight it is to feel a cool breeze coming off the sea when I have been so hot all day long'

    I think maybe we should all write a poem like this to remind us of the good things in life.

    Maybe the heat is having an affect on your mum. Must have been nice to have that hug and kiss.

    Love D xxx

    1. Hello Dawn
      All of the above!
      Andrew is not the best patient but I have had my day, he eventually takes ythe advice,
      I am thankful for all that you said and look to that in times of adversity..
      Andrew is resting wit foot up at the weekend. Thank goodness it’s the British Grand Prix.. he will be happy watching that with feet up ..
      hope you have the best weekend.

      Sarah xxxx

  3. Dale also loves the Grand Prix Snooze Fest zzzzzzzz. I like to nod off when it comes on. 😂😂😂
